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St Anthony’s Bread (March 2023)
Friar Cruzender Alex Seru umat berani Utamakan Tuhan
Friar Cruzender mengoles abu di dahi salah satu kanak-kanak KINARUT – Lebih 600 umat memenuhi gereja Paroki St Augustine, Kinarut dalam Misa Kudus Rabu Abu jam 7.30 pm pada 22 Feb lalu di yang dipimpin oleh Friar Cruzander Alex, OFM. Friar Cruzander dalam homilinya,...
(Re)Building the Church in Laos
Br. John Wong, Definitor General of the Conferences of Asia and Oceania, is visiting the fraternities of South-East Asia.The Curia OFM receive and publish his story from Laos. Lao People's Democratic Republic is a socialist state that embraces communist values. This...
The Franciscan presence in Vietnam
Friar John Wong is currently serving as one of the OFM General Definitors since 2021 and will end his term in 2027. He is overseeing and taking care of the friars in Asia and Oceania. Br John Wong meets the new Definitory of the Province of St Francis in Vietnam. On 9...
Conference on Franciscan Spirituality
Did you know that there is a rich Franciscan Intellectual Tradition? The Franciscan Friars of the Custody of St Anthony (Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei) are pleased to be able to offer in April an opportunity to learn from Friar Wayne Hellmann OFM Conventual, a...
Loving God the Franciscan Way
Fifteen young men joined the Franciscan Vocation Discernment Retreats held in Singapore and Kuching last November and December. The aspirants accepted the invitation to Come and See Franciscan spirituality and the Franciscan way of life for different reasons, but they...
Franciscan Prayer : United in Your Crucified Love
Young Adults on an Emmaus Journey
The Franciscan Friars have been organising pilgrimages designed specifically for young adults since 2019. In fact, Friar John Paul Tan led a group of young adults, aged 18 to 35 years, on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land last December. An objective of these...
Building Community as Franciscan Friars
Unanimous. At our Custody Chapter last October, the friars voted in unison to adopt the Fraternal Life Project for all our communities. This was a dream come true for me, as I feel that my call as Custos is to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood by the grace of God....