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Hopes and Dreams of the Friars in Malaysia & Singapore
The friars of the Custody of St Anthony (Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei) share their dreams and hope for the Custody in conjunction of the Declaration of Autonomy and in thanksgiving for the gift of vocation. Is God calling you...
The Genesis : Special Edition 2023
In conjunction with the declaration of the Autonomous Custody of St Anthony (Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei), The Genesis Special Edition 2023 commemorates many friars of different background and origin who have laid the...
A Friars Journey as an Itinerant
On April 17th, 2023, I renewed my Temporary Vows for the third time in Indonesia's Francis Friary Chapel in Jakarta. It dawned on me that I had the experience of renewing my vows in the hands of three Provincial Ministers and my Custos to date. From my first...
Perjalanan Seorang Friar sebagai Perantau
Pada tangal 17 April 2023, saya memperbaharui Kaul Sementara untuk ketiga kalinya di Kapel Biara Fransiskus Jakarta, Indonesia. Saya menyadari bahwa saya telah memperbaharui kaul dalam tangan tiga Pelayan Provinsi serta Kustos. Berawal dari Kaul Pertama di Filipina,...
A Novice each from Singapore and Malaysia
We are blessed to have two new novices in 2023. On 14 January, Friar Peter Michael, Director of the Novitiate at St Anthony Friary, received Friars Jorgerson Japar and Nicholas Lee into the Novitiate programme. From left : Novice Friar Jorgerson, Novice Master...
Loving God the Franciscan Way
Fifteen young men joined the Franciscan Vocation Discernment Retreats held in Singapore and Kuching last November and December. The aspirants accepted the invitation to Come and See Franciscan spirituality and the Franciscan way of life for different reasons, but they...
Friars Join Gathering of Young Priests (YPG 2022)
The Custody sent a sizeable contingent to this year’s Malaysia-Singapore Young Priests Gathering. Our nine young priests joined 33 other young priests from the two countries for the gathering hosted by the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur from 10 to 13 October 2022. The...
Vocare Season 3 – A Singing, Dancing Priest (Friar Derrick Yap OFM)
Friar Derrick Yap’s love for music and dance led him to know and learn about Christ. Here’s how this Taoist believer chose the Catholic priesthood. Check out the latest Season 3 of Vocare Episode 142 : A Singing, Dancing Priest | Friar Derrick Yap OFM Vocare Trailer...
Loving God the Franciscan Way
A Franciscan Vocation Retreat "The joy of Francis was not in having nothing, but in having nothing but God." The Early Companions of St Francis Join us for 4 Days 3 Nights Franciscan Vocation Discernment Retreat. The retreat is open to Singaporean and...