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Embracing the Vows
How do I say how I feel on my journey? For seven years, I have been listening and discerning during this part of my life. I have had great insights, and experienced moments of frustration and fear. I have a sense of hope, and the certainty that Christ is with me, and...
Towards New Life in our Parishes
The journey towards Easter at St Ann’s Mission in Sarawak is part of the ongoing Franciscan celebration of simplicity, goodness and beauty. The liturgies enhance the experience of prayer, contemplation and community in this large parish where the Franciscan community,...
Sing a New Song
Dearest family and friends, May the Lord give you peace! Our Seraphic Father Francis composed a psalm for his Office of the Passion which he recited every day during the Easter season: “Sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done wondrous deeds. The Lord has...
St Anthony’s Bread (March 2022)
Franciscan Prayer : An Easter Prayer
Lenten Recollection at St Ann’s Church
Parish Youth Ministry (PYM) Gereja St. Ann telah menganjurkan Lenten Recollection di Gereja St. Ann, Kota Padawan pada ???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?:?? ?.?.
Hanging Out with the Friars : 1st Vocation Evening 2022
On Feb 27th we had our first vocation evening for the 2022 called "Hanging Out with the Friars". A total of 19 young men turned up. They came from all walks of life and locations around Singapore. The objective of this evening, is not so much about recruiting men to...
Triduum Special – (In Singapore Only)
Celebrate the Holy Triduum with our freshly-baked hot cross buns by YRI Bakery, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yellow Ribbon Singapore. $12 per box of 6 buns Limited quantities available! Only available through pre-order from now until March 25, 9a.m. or until sold out...
Laudato Si’ Lent at St Mary’s (From Cosmic Dust to an Easter Garden)
Our Mother Earth is in peril and save Her we must! ... So, this Lent, let us, together with our Franciscan Friars of St Mary's, join forces to make amends for our sins against God's Creation - by...