






Saint Hermina Grivot (1866-1900)

Saint Hermina Grivot (1866-1900)

As a young woman in Burgundy, Hermina Grivot joined a missionary congregation, the Franciscan Sisters of Mary, hoping to be sent overseas, praying for the grace to become a saint, worrying only that the time of martyrdom had probably passed. In 1898, the missionary...

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Saint Elizabeth of Portugal (1271-1336)

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal (1271-1336)

St. Elizabeth of Portugal was the daughter of the king of Aragon. At twelve, she married King Denis of Portugal, a profligate man, who tolerated his wife's piety while making no secret of his own infidelities. Elizabeth bore him two children, a son and a daughter. Her...

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Saint Junipero Serra (1713-1784)

Saint Junipero Serra (1713-1784)

Junipero Serra is celebrated as one of the fathers of California. Born in Majorca, Serra entered the Franciscan order at sixteen. After earning a doctorate in theology, he taught as a professor for many years before volunteering for the missions in New Spain. He spent...

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Mother Mary Francis Bachmann (1824-1863)

Mother Mary Francis Bachmann (1824-1863)

Anna Maria Boll Bachmann, who was born in Bavaria, immigrated to the United States and settled in Philadelphia. In 1851, when her husband Anthony was killed in an accident in a stone quarry, she found herself a widow with three young children and a fourth on the way....

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Blessed Ramon Lull (1232-1316)

Blessed Ramon Lull (1232-1316)

Ramon Lull was born in Majorca in 1232, the son of a Catalan military chief. His early life was spent in the frivolity of court life. At the age of thirty, however, prompted by a recurrent vision of Jesus on the cross, he underwent a dramatic and total conversion....

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Saint Jutta (1200-1260)

Saint Jutta (1200-1260)

St. Jutta was born in Thuringia, in Germany. At the age of fifteen, she married a nobleman, with whom she enjoyed a happy marriage. Inspired by the example of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, a Thuringian princess who had renounced her royal station to embrace as a...

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Saint Thomas More (1478-1535)

Saint Thomas More (1478-1535)

Thomas More was one of the most highly respected men of his time. A successful barrister, an honest judge, a famous scholar, he rose to the highest status of any commoner in England, appointed by Henry VIII to the office of lord chancellor. More had little ambition...

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Blessed Michelina of Pesaro (1300-1356)

Blessed Michelina of Pesaro (1300-1356)

Blessed Michelina was born in the town of Pesaro, on the east coast of Italy. At twelve she married a wealthy member of the powerful Malatesta family and went on to enjoy a rich and frivolous social life. By twenty, however, she found herself a widow with a young son....

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Saint Anthony of Padua (1195-1231)

Saint Anthony of Padua (1195-1231)

St. Anthony, who was born in Lisbon, first entered religious life as an Augustinian canon in Coimbra. There one day he met a group of visiting Franciscans (St. Be- rard and his companions) on their way to Morocco. He was greatly impressed by these courageous...

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Venerable Matt Talbot (1856-1925)

Venerable Matt Talbot (1856-1925)

Matt Talbot was one of twelve children born to a poor family in Dublin. His addiction to alcohol began at twelve, when he got his first job with a wine merchant. Before long, drink had become the primary focus of his life. All the wages he earned carrying bricks went...

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