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St Anthony Feast Day Live Stream Mass 2021
In conjunction with the 30th Anniversary of the establishment of our Custody, the friars will be celebrating St Anthony Feast Day Mass. Join us in celebrating St Anthony Feast day, our Custody's patron, via live streaming mass broadcasting from Greccio Friary....
Being Catholic In A Singapore That Is At Crossroads
IGNITE TALKS! #2 – Being Catholic In A Singapore That Is At Crossroads Friar John-Paul Tan,OFM discusses about ‘Being Catholic In A Singapore That Is At Crossroads’. This special series of seven thought-provoking talks will lead us to explore and examine what it means...
Merapatkan Jurang Perbezaan Budaya (Bridging Cultural Boundaries)
A talk by Friar Claurence Motoyou OFM (with English Subtitle). Sesi perkongsian bertajuk 'Merapatkan Jurang Perbezaan Budaya' dibawahkan oleh Friar Claurence Motoyou OFM sempena dengan tema (PMPT) bulan June 2021. A sharing on 'Bridging Cultural Boundaries' by Friar...
Sharing the Dream
Time passes ... Thirty years ago, on 16 May, the Custody of St Anthony (Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei) was canonically erected, dependent upon the Province of the Holy Spirit (Australia). We had two Singaporean Solemnly Professed friars (Friars Michael Goh and...
Life as a Pilgrimage To Eternity
The road to eternity can be hazardous and long. Our lives are fraught with challenges and anxieties, and we live in a world today that is in crisis. A pandemic has swept over the world with the death toll rising each day. Scientists warn that climate change will have...
The Legend of St Anthony’s Bread
St Anthony’s Bread traditionally refers to loaves of bread blessed and shared in honour of St Anthony, and to alms given to the poor in thanksgiving for blessings received through the prayers of St Anthony. One legend dates back to the year 1263, when a child drowned...
St Anthony’s Bread (May 2021)
The Genesis Series (2020)
If you have not watch the The Genesis Series we produced last year, let Friars John Paul and John Wong take you through the history of our Custody that spans over more than 50 years. It all began with Blessed Gabriele Allegra, OFM, who was best known for his important...
Mothers Day Tribute 2021 – The Friars’ Jam
"You're my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey.." Yes, even the Friars have a cover version of this well-loved song, just for Mothers’ Day. Here’s a tribute to all mothers and those who have been mothers to us all. We thank...