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Sharpened by Contact with Another

Sharpened by Contact with Another

A patient said to the friar, “Young man, there is no medicine that can cure me. My problem is here (pointing to his forehead). I know too much, I worry too much, I want to control too much. Only God, in the end, can help. But I am still overanxious.” The friar...

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72 Hours Eco-Friendly Challenge

72 Hours Eco-Friendly Challenge

As part of the Season of Creation (1st Sept-4th Oct) ,Friar Esmond Chua, OFM challenges three youths to a 72 hours Eco-Friendly Challenge. Will they be able to survive their individual challenges? Watch the video to find out how our youths did on this challenge and...

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Let’s Get Movin’ with St Mary’s!

Let’s Get Movin’ with St Mary’s!

To celebrate Catholic200SG, our Franciscan Parish in Singapore (St Mary of the Angel) is organising a month-long event that will get people off their screens, out and about and movin' with their family and friends! There will be Catholic200SG giveaways and special...

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The Canticle of the Creatures

The Canticle of the Creatures

The Canticle of the Creatures is a hymn of praise that recapitulates Francis’ journey to God in and through the beautiful things of creation... But the Canticle also represents a lifetime of conversion, as Francis strove to be a brother to all things and to praise God...

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Perihal Perkahwinan Menurut Ajaran Gereja Katolik

Perihal Perkahwinan Menurut Ajaran Gereja Katolik

Sesi perkongsian oleh Friar David Au, OFM Ikuti perkongsian Friar David Au, OFM dalam ???? ??????????? ????: Perihal Perkahwinan Menutur Ajaran Gereja Katolik yang dibawakan oleh St Ann Catholic Church Kota Padawan. Sesi 1 ...

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Touch of an Embrace

Touch of an Embrace

Friday Growth Series - Organised by the Catholic Spirituality Centre As part of the Friday Growth Series (A Call to Holiness) organised by the Catholic Spirituality Centre, Friar Derrick Yap was invited to share on Franciscan Spirituality. 'Touch of an Embrace' talk...

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Pandangan Katolik Terhadap Kuasa Kegelapan

Pandangan Katolik Terhadap Kuasa Kegelapan

Sesi perkongsian oleh Friar Don Don Ramerez, OFM Ikuti perkongsian Friar Don Don Ramerez, OFM dalam ???? ??????????? ????: ????????? ??????? ???????? ????? ????????? yang dibawakan oleh St Ann Catholic Church Kota Padawan melalui Youtube video yang berikut : Sesi 1...

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Why is it Important to Care for Creation?

Why is it Important to Care for Creation?

Why do we, as Christians, have a share in the responsibility of caring for our common home? How are we praising God through the caring for creation? Friar Derrick sheds light on Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si', helping us to understand the heart of our faith. It...

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