3 April 2023

Connecting and Growing for Faith and Mission

With the movement restrictions for Covid-19 lifted, the Franciscan Friars are delighted to be able to connect en masse and in person again. 

On 28 February, the Devotion to St Anthony returned to the Church of St Mary of the Angels. Join us there at 7 pm on Tuesdays, after the evening Mass. The virtual shrine remains available for those of you who cannot get to church in time, or prefer to pray at your own time and in your own space. 

Our Mother’s Day Concert returns too. Mothers hold a special place in the hearts of the Franciscan Friars. Through the motherhood of Mary, the Son of God became our brother. Through his mother Lady Pica, St Francis of Assisi learned how to love and be loved. St Francis asked his brother friars to care for one another as a mother cares for her son. Since then, mothers have been the major inspiration for most, if not all, friars in their journey and mission to love and serve God and one another. 

Join us on 6 May at the Church of St Mary of the Angels as we friars give thanks for the gift of all mothers with a special tribute to Our Lady, the Mother of the Word Incarnate. The evening of prayer and celebration begins at 8 pm. Tickets will be available in April. 

Before the concert, we have in April the Conference on Franciscan Spirituality where, as our Custos Friar Derrick Yap said, we hope to deepen our knowledge of Franciscan Spirituality, and so be recharged and renewed for mission and fraternal relations. The conference will be held over two days, and we will be taking it to three locations so that more people can attend. We hope to see you in Kota Kinabalu (12 and 13 April), Kuching (15 and 16 April) or Singapore (19 and 20 April). To find out more about the talks and how to register, visit franciscans.sg/ conference-on-franciscan-spirituality

Friar Derrick Yap OFM 

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