20 September 2024

The Stigmata of St Francis: From Wounds to New Life

“No! It can’t be real!” This was the response of many in St Francis’ time when they discovered that he carried the five wounds of the Crucified Christ after his retreat on Mt Alvernia in the autumn of 1224. But it was real. In fact, nine papal bulls (official communications by the Pope) were written to defend and support this miracle.

How did the Stigmata of St Francis come to pass?

Pope Honorius III formally approved the Rule of the Franciscan Order on 29 November 1223. However, the papal approval did not quash the protests from the brothers against the strictness of Francis’ Form of Life (forma vitae).

Pained by this, Francis felt a compelling need to go to a space of healing so he went up on Mt Alvernia from the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (15 August) until the Feast of St Michael (29 September). Francis had a special devotion to these saints, and wanted their intercession for this difficult struggle. 

Between these feasts was the Feast of the Exultation of the Holy Cross (14 September), and Francis was already deeply touched by the Cross in San Damiano when Jesus on this cross called out to him: “Francis, go rebuild my Church, which you see is falling into ruins”. 

When Francis was meditating on the Holy Cross during his retreat, he received a glorious vision of the Crucified One in the form of a burning Seraph. This is an angel from the highest choir of angels whose only role is to love and adore God, hence it is burning with love (seraph in Hebrew means “the burning one”).   

Mysteriously, in this further wounding, Francis was greatly consoled and found inner peace. It was as if God had given him a bodily answer to the deep question of his heart – “Who are you, O God and who am I?”. The wounds of Christ crucified were now real on his flesh, and this was his desire fulfilled … to become one with his beloved. We become what we love. And as his beloved Christ was brought to new life in the Resurrection, so Francis experienced new life by the grace of consolation and deep peace.  

The Franciscan Family entitled the Centenary celebrations “From Wounds to New Life” with the invitation for all of us to follow in Francis’ footsteps, to make real Francis’ experience in our own flesh.

We each have our own journeys with our personal gifts and wounds. The beauty of our journey into God is to keep inflaming our gifts to rebuild God’s Church and, by conforming ourselves to the Crucified Christ, allow God to transform our wounds and pains into new life.

As Francis said before returning home to the Lord, “The Lord has shown me what is mine to do, may He show you yours.” 

Friar Derrick Yap OFM

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