






Venerable Marthe Robin (1902-1981)

Venerable Marthe Robin (1902-1981)

Marthe Robin was born in 1902 in a small village near Lyons. Her early childhood was happy and unremarkable. When she was sixteen, however, she showed the first symptoms of a grave disease that would eventually leave her bedridden. On March 25, 1925, she offered a...

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Saint Pedro Bautista Blasquez

Saint Pedro Bautista Blasquez

Pedro Bautista Blásquez was born in Spain in 1542; at the age of 22 he entered the Franciscan Order and after finishing his studies and being a preacher for many years, in 1580 he left as a missionary for Mexico.Later, he was sent to the Philippines; in Manila...

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Saint Joan of Valois (1464-1505)

Saint Joan of Valois (1464-1505)

St. Joan, daughter of King Louis XI of France, was apparently misshapen from birth, a fact that incited her father's contempt. When she was eight weeks old, he arranged her betrothal to her two-year-old cousin Louis, Duke of Orleans. The marriage transpired when Joan...

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Saint Isabel of France (1225-1270)

Saint Isabel of France (1225-1270)

Beautiful, clever, and the daughter of a king (Louis VIII of France), Princess Isabel was destined for a life of pomp and luxury. But her heart was drawn elsewhere. When her frequent fasts and austerity cause her to fall ill, her mother consulted a holy woman, who...

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Servant of God Brother Juniper (1258)

Servant of God Brother Juniper (1258)

Brother Juniper was one of the original companions of St. Francis and   " a man of such unshakeable humility, patience, and self-contempt, that the rising waves of temptation and tribulation could not move him." Brother Juniper evidently attained such a degree of...

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Saint Angela Merici (1474-1540)

Saint Angela Merici (1474-1540)

Born in Lombardy and orphaned at an early age, Angela Merici became a Franciscan tertiary and embraced a life of prayerful simplicity. After spending many years in almost continuous pilgrimage, visiting shrines of Italy, she had a vision one day in which she beheld a...

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Blessed Gabriele Allegra (1907–1976)

Blessed Gabriele Allegra (1907–1976)

Known as “the St. Jerome of China”, Fr. Gabriele was born Dec. 26, 1907 in a village in the province of Catania, Sicily, and entered the Order as a youth of 16. While he was studying theology at St. Anthony’s College in Rome, an academic conference was held there on...

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Sister Dorothy Hennessey (1913-2008)

Sister Dorothy Hennessey (1913-2008)

In 2001, Sr. Dorothy Hennessey, eighty-eight, made headlines when she was arrested with her younger sister Gwen Hennessey for trespassing at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia. They were part of a large contingent of human rights protesters waging a...

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Saint Berard and Companions (1220)

Saint Berard and Companions (1220)

In 1219, in the midst of the Fifth Crusade, St. Francis embarked on a risky mission. Crossing the battlefield in Syria he sought an audience with Sultan Malik al-Kamil of Egypt. Though he did not succeed in converting the sultan, he was received graciously and...

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Blessed Odoric of Pordenone (1285-1331)

Blessed Odoric of Pordenone (1285-1331)

Odoric of Pordenone passed his early life unremarkably as a Franciscan friar, a vocation he had embraced at the age of fifteen. In 1317, however, some impulse inspired him to embark on a fantastic journey that took him to the ends of the known world and back again....

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