Pelayan Komuni Tak Lazim sebagai gembala yang baik

Pelayan Komuni Tak Lazim sebagai gembala yang baik

KOTA PADAWAN, Kuching: Ministri Pelayan Komuni Bukan Lazim paroki St Ann Kota Padawan telah mengadakan Rekoleksi Pelayan Komuni Bukan Lazim (PKBL) 2024 di Gereja St Michael, Teng Bukap pada Ogos 3 lalu. Sesi kali ini bertemakan, “Peranan Pelayan Komuni Bukan...

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Pentahbisan melakar sejarah selepas 44 tahun

Pentahbisan melakar sejarah selepas 44 tahun

MEMBAKUT – “Mungkin inilah sebab hujan lebat selepas 44 tahun baru hari ini ada tahbisan paderi dari ini paroki”, ujar paderi paroki St Patrick Membakut, Fr Boniface Kimsin membuatkan para umat gelak ketawa. Paroki St Patrick Membakut telah melahirkan seorang paderi...

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Membakut, rai pentahbisan imamat Friar Nelson Sipalan OFM

Membakut, rai pentahbisan imamat Friar Nelson Sipalan OFM

MEMBAKUT: Akhirnya selepas 44 tahun setelah pentahbisan pertama di St Patrick Membakut pada tahun 1980, seorang pemuda ditahbis sebagai paderi Fransiskan (OFM) pada Ogos 11, 2024. Akhirnya selepas 44 tahun setelah pentahbisan pertama di St Patrick Membakut pada...

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Retreat Tahunan OFS – “Mengasihi dan Melayani”

Retreat Tahunan OFS – “Mengasihi dan Melayani”

PACE BENE, Papar – Retret tahunan keluarga besar The Secular Franciscan Order (Latin: Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis; OFS) telah diadakan pada 2-4 Ogos bertemakan “Mengasihi dan Melayani” (To Love and To Serve) di Pace Bene, Papar. Friar Cruzender Alex, OFM, selaku...

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Finding my true vocation

Finding my true vocation

My name is Friar Gerald Tan OFM, and I am one of a handful of lay friars in the Franciscan order in Singapore. In 2020, the year I made my solemn profession of religious vows, I discerned that the Lord was not calling me to the priestly ministry – in other words, not...

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Requiem for a “simple” Franciscan Friar

Requiem for a “simple” Franciscan Friar

PULAU TIKUS, Penang – The Order of Friars Minors (OFM) celebrated a solemn Requiem Mass for a “simple” Franciscan friar at the Church of the Risen Christ here on 5 Dec 2023.  The sudden death of Friar Arul Sagayaraj Mariadass, 60, on Nov 28 in Sabah came as a...

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The Pardon of Assisi

The Pardon of Assisi

On 2 August of each year, the “Pardon of Assisi” is celebrated in Assisi in the Church of St Mary of the Angels. This church is also known as the Portiuncula, which means “little portion of land”. St Mary of the Angels is conceivably the most important Franciscan...

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800 years on, St Francis’ tunic returns to Egypt

800 years on, St Francis’ tunic returns to Egypt

"A chance to follow in St Francis' steps": Eight centuries after the Italian holy man visited Egypt, his relics make a return. When Saint Francis made his renowned journey to Egypt in 1219, he was wearing the humble tunic which went on to become characteristic of his...

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Young people of St. Francis look to a better world

Young people of St. Francis look to a better world

Amid celebrations for the eighth centenary of St. Francis of Assisi's stigmata, hundreds of young people gather in Florence until Sunday to look at the future through the eyes of the great saint. Young people gathered in Florence, Italy, are trying to fully perceive...

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The presence of God in all creation

The presence of God in all creation

Late in his life, and approaching “Sister Death”, Francis wrote a piece of poetic praise to the God he knew was present to him in all of creation. This renowned piece is a beautiful hymn of praise that Franciscans have treasured throughout the centuries. It is also an...

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