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With God, All Things are Possible – ‘Honorary Friar’ Januarius
Two years ago, Januarius was diagnosed with an acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. The Make-A-Wish Foundation (Singapore) has granted Januarius' wish to become a Franciscan friar. He was brought to Greccio Friary and spend a day with the friars. It was a memorable and...
First-ever virtual Religious Vocation Awareness Seminar 2021
Catholic Sabah News
Sharing the Dream
Time passes ... Thirty years ago, on 16 May, the Custody of St Anthony (Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei) was canonically erected, dependent upon the Province of the Holy Spirit (Australia). We had two Singaporean Solemnly Professed friars (Friars Michael Goh and...
Two Friars Making their Solemn Profession
Friar Cosmas Francis and Friar Gerald Terence will make their Solemn Profession of Religious Vows at the Church of St Mary of the Angels on April 16. They share what making their Solemn Profession of Vows, after years of discernment and formation, means to them, and...
World Day of Consecrated Life
The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2 is also World Day for Consecrated Life, when those in consecrated life are invited to reflect on how they can be the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples. We, the Franciscan Friars of the Custody of St Anthony...
Welcoming Three New Novices
Before friars from the two communities in Singapore, Brothers Julian Chua, Sylvester Singh and Timothy Fong were received into the novitiate, and given their habit of probation. Custos Friar Derrick Yap presided at the ceremony and celebration held at Greccio Friary...
30 Years and Counting
The Custody of St Anthony (Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei) turns 30 this year. A lot has changed in those three decades. When the Custody was formed in 1991, there was just one parish community and one formation house in Singapore. Most its friars were in initial formation...
Beatitude Series (M.O.M) – Friar Marvin Voo, OFM
M.O.M - "Pergelutan saya dengan panggilan Tuhan" Pernahkah kamu mendengar kisah pergelutan Yakub dengan Tuhan dari Alkitab? Pernah mengalami pergelutan dalam hidup kamu sendiri? Dengarkan perkongsian Friar Marvin Voo, OFM mengenai kisah hidupnya yang berkait rapat...
Why I Chose My Name – Catholic News Singapore
The young Fra John Paul Tan giving Holy Communion during the 1986 Papal Mass at the National Stadium. Photo: Marc Tan Together with a group of youth who staged the musical “Poverello” in 1986, we stood in the rain as we welcomed Pope John Paul II into the National...