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St Clare and the Path of Purification
In particular, I notice that Clare lives and suggests discernment as a path of purification: purification of the gaze, of the heart, and of the will. Purification of the gaze The starting point is the reality in which we find ourselves; the reality that “we...
Following the Footsteps of Jesus
St Clare of Assisi The process of discernment is directed by the word of God in order to live in obedience to Him; it is aimed at dwelling within history in an evangelical way, following the footsteps of Jesus so that the kingdom of God may grow in the world. Our...
Encounters : Francis of Assisi & Sultan Al-Malik Al-Kamil (Video)
What took place 800 years ago? In the year 1219, while on his way to meet Al-Malik, Francis of Assisi crossed the Crusader army lines and found himself in the siege of Damietta. Their subsequent encounter continues to inspire dialogue today as it become more important...
Francis and the Sultan
Francis life is that of his meeting with Sultan al- Malik al-Kāmil in 1219. It was the time of the Fifth Crusade, and since Francis opposed all killing, he sought the blessing of the Cardinal, who was chaplain to the Crusader forces, to go and preach the Gospel to the...
Encounters: A Meeting of Kindred Spirits
Catholic News Singapore ENCOUNTERS: charting a way forward for meaningful and respectful inter-religious dialogue.
Learning More About The St Francis Way
Catholic News Singapore
Holy Saturday – The Easter Vigil liturgy: Recalling the Paschal Sacrifice of Jesus
Catholic News Singapore