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Friar Nelson Makes His Solemn Profession
With joy and thanksgiving to God, the Franciscan Friars of the Custody of St Anthony (Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei) are glad to announce and share another good news! Friar Nelson Evarinus Sipalan will be making his Solemn Profession of Religious Vows at 10 am on the 9th...
5 Friars to be Ordained Priests
With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God, the Franciscan Friars of the Custody of St Anthony in Malaysia and Singapore joyfully announce the Presbyteral Ordination of Friars Cosmas Francis, Crispus Mosinoh, Gerald Saimel, Robin Toha and Sixtus Pitah, OFM. Friar...
2022 Holy Saturday Evening Reflection
In this most sacred of nights, the church and whole of creation welcomes the Light of Christ and proclaims Easter with the Exsultet. Through scripture we recall salvation history and journey toward the fullness of God's revelation in Christ. The celebration of the...
2022 Holy Saturday Morning Reflection
Join as Mary stands vigil with Jesus at the cross, through his death, while never wavering in her faith that God will complete His work through Jesus Christ his Son.
2022 Good Friday Reflection
First, we reflect on the death of the Lord's anointed, as prophesied by Isaiah. We ponder His last words that echo the Psalms in hope. We follow Him on the way of the cross. Next, we recognise Christ's death as His conquest over the powers of darkness. Throughout the...
2022 Maundy Thursday Reflection -The Lasting Legacy of The Lord’s Supper and Servant Leadership
Today, let us remember the 2 greatest legacies that Jesus leaves with us: The Lord's Supper and how it has shaped the way we gather as a Christian community to celebrate the life, sacrifice and victory Jesus leaves us with through transforming his gift of bread and...
The Refuge Crisis In Asia (UNHCR)
Join the webinar on 'The Refuge Crisis in Asia' via Zoom on Saturday, 2 April 2022 10am - 11am. Hear from the personal experiences of the speakers & learn how you can make a difference organised by UNHCR. Friar Esmond Chua, OFM will be one of the speakers in this...
Resurrection Community
The resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday marks the ultimate triumph of life over death. For Catholics, it marks the end of our Lenten journey of repentance and conversion towards a new life of love by the dying of our old and sinful selves. Lent and Easter give us...
Franciscan Spirituality in Easter
Following the example of St Francis, each friar (and indeed everyone) is called to a life of conversion. As such, it is easy to relate Franciscan spirituality with a spirituality of the Cross, of Christ’s passion. But is not Franciscan spirituality fundamentally...