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Membakut, rai pentahbisan imamat Friar Nelson Sipalan OFM

Membakut, rai pentahbisan imamat Friar Nelson Sipalan OFM

MEMBAKUT: Akhirnya selepas 44 tahun setelah pentahbisan pertama di St Patrick Membakut pada tahun 1980, seorang pemuda ditahbis sebagai paderi Fransiskan (OFM) pada Ogos 11, 2024. Akhirnya selepas 44 tahun setelah pentahbisan pertama di St Patrick Membakut pada...

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Retreat Tahunan OFS – “Mengasihi dan Melayani”

Retreat Tahunan OFS – “Mengasihi dan Melayani”

PACE BENE, Papar – Retret tahunan keluarga besar The Secular Franciscan Order (Latin: Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis; OFS) telah diadakan pada 2-4 Ogos bertemakan “Mengasihi dan Melayani” (To Love and To Serve) di Pace Bene, Papar. Friar Cruzender Alex, OFM, selaku...

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Finding my true vocation

Finding my true vocation

My name is Friar Gerald Tan OFM, and I am one of a handful of lay friars in the Franciscan order in Singapore. In 2020, the year I made my solemn profession of religious vows, I discerned that the Lord was not calling me to the priestly ministry – in other words, not...

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Living in unity

Living in unity

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is, when brothers live in unity!” (Ps 133:1) What more can you ask for when Franciscan friars from all over Asia come together and the conversations and care flow so naturally between them? That is what happened when the...

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Lay Friars from across Asia and Oceania gather in Singapore

Lay Friars from across Asia and Oceania gather in Singapore

In May, the Custody of St Anthony (Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei) hosted a regional meeting of Lay Friars within the South Asia, Australia and Oceania Conference (SAAOC). In the Franciscan Order, as in the Church, a baptised person falls under one of two states: Lay...

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Friars in Asia and Oceania discuss Franciscan life and mission

Friars in Asia and Oceania discuss Franciscan life and mission

It began with a challenge to taste balut. The look on Friar Derrick Yap’s face said it all! He managed the initial encounter. Fr Derrick embraced everything that came during the meeting of the Franciscan Conference of Asia and Oceania (FCAO) in Manila from 7 to 13...

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Meeting of hearts and minds

Meeting of hearts and minds

Dearest Family and Friends, Meetings, meetings, meetings. Some of us are in so many meetings. We preside at some and at others we try to participate, the key word being “try”. Sometimes we ask ourselves why we are at these meetings and how we can contribute to the...

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