Nestled behind the Church of St Mary of the Angels in the Franciscan Bukit Batok Complex is a building most parishioners do not know exist – the San Damiano Friary and Franciscan Centre.

The building was originally designed to house the Poor Clares (the contemplative and cloistered Second Order of the Franciscan family) but when the plans of the Poor Clares changed, the building was put to various other uses. The first of these was as a formation house, when the San Damiano Novitiate moved from Chestnut Drive into the Franciscan Complex in 2005. Today, it is a spirituality centre and one of the Custody’s friaries.
“San Damiano” was the small chapel where the young Francis of Assisi prayed during his time of confusion, where Christ on the crucifix spoke to him, saying “Francis, go and restore the Church which you see is falling into ruins.”
The building’s dual use as a Friary and a Franciscan Centre sprang from the Custody Chapter in 2022 during which we recognised the need for the Custody to have a house of prayer and a centre for promoting Franciscan spirituality, charism, and intellectual tradition.
As part of this commitment, the Custody decided to have a community of friars within the spirituality centre. The friars occupy the upper floor of rooms while the lower floor with eight rooms is used to welcome those who desire a quiet time of retreat and rest.
The early members of the community envisioned San Damiano Friary and Franciscan Centre as a place of welcome and hospitality where one is given the opportunity and grace of encountering God with freedom and in the Spirit. They also chose to express the Franciscan spirit and charism of “Sine Proprio” (“With Nothing of One’s Own”) by relying on the generosity and kindness of those who use the space of San Damiano rather than charging a fixed rate. So far, both God and our guests have been more than gracious and generous.
The friary and centre used to be managed by two friars, but today the Guardian of the friary is also responsible for the centre. With this, the San Damiano Franciscan Centre became a fraternal mission and ministry of the community on behalf of the Custody.
The present community consists of five friars – Friars Michael Goh (Guardian and Centre Director), Martin Low, John Soh, William Lee and Gerald Tan.
San Damiano Franciscan Centre is a collective ministry of the community, but most of us are also engaged in other ministries. For example, Friar William works full time at Mount Alvernia Hospital in its pastoral care department, Friar John serves in the management of the Franciscan Columbarium, and Friar Martin is the Custody Bursar.
As a community, we have continued the direction taken by the previous community as well as improved the space. One such improvement is the roof top where a garden was created to complement the The labyrinth provides additional spaces to encounter God.
The centre is a place of welcome, a place where the gate is usually open and where practically anyone can walk in. Inspired by Francis’ openness and obedience to “the Spirit of the Lord and His holy manner of working” as well as to his unconditional availability, we feel we are called to do the same.
The hospitality of space and the opportunity that we offer for a spiritual encounter with self, with others, and with God are not exclusive to Catholics. In fact, half of those who come are other Christians, mainly from small non-denominational, evangelical and free churches. It is exciting to see our other Christian brothers and sisters rediscover the richness and beauty of the Christian tradition of spiritual guidance and journey.
San Damiano Friary and Franciscan Centre is not a traditional house of prayer, but it is one in spirit. As a community, we commit to regular prayer times together, and our guests and retreatants are invited to join us in prayer and in our fraternal living. We try to create an environment that gives rise to a deeper and intimate encounter with God, self, and others, including our living together as brothers in mutuality and in care and service. A House of Prayer for us is a space where God is not merely encountered and engaged, but a space where God lives and is. Hence, San Damiano Friary and Franciscan Centre is not just a place of silence but is also a place of presence.
This is us. This is San Damiano Friary and Franciscan Centre. You are most welcome to visit our sacred space and make it yours too! Laudato Si’! Be praised, my Lord!
Friar Michael Goh OFM