The Franciscan world is sectioned into 12 conferences for better management and collaboration. Two are in Asia Pacific – EAC: East Asia Conference with eight entities, and SAAOC: South Asia, Australia, Oceania Conference with 12 entities, of which I serve as President.
Friar John Wong, the Custos before me, is the Definitor General for the whole of Asia, and we work together on various projects for the betterment of the Asian entities.
Every year, the Conference Presidents gather for updates, evaluations, and discussions about the future. This year, we convened in Rome at our OFM Curia (headquarters) from 19 to 24 November 2024. It was my first meeting, and I found it a beautiful time of sharing among brothers. It was wonderful to witness the diversity of the brothers within the Order and the shared Franciscan spirit that permeates us all.
We gave much attention to the Chapter of Mats, which will take place in June 2025 in Assisi. A Chapter is a meeting of Religious where issues are deliberated upon, and decisions are made for the coming term of office. The various entities conduct their own Chapter of Mats among the Franciscan friars, Franciscan sisters, and Secular Franciscans. The results are compiled at Conference level and presented at the global Chapter of Mats in June.
From this Chapter of Mats, we surface issues to deliberate upon at the Plenary Council of the Order (PCO), which takes place immediately after the Chapter of Mats. The primary role of the PCO is to evaluate how well the General Definitory has been functioning and the direction it should pursue for its remaining three years of service.
We also discussed New Forms of Evangelisation, Lay Brothers Gathering, Fraternal Economy, and initial and ongoing Formation. The Minister General also gave his report after having served three years as General. It was an authentic report of the state of the Order and a vision of where we are heading.
We also considered where to hold the General Chapter in 2027. There is keen interest to venture beyond Assisi, the traditional venue, to places where the Church is growing, such as Asia.
In the spirit of St Francis’ desire to bring the good news to all peoples, especially to the poor, the Missions Office has put out fresh processes to better prepare missionaries in-situ. Preparatory training will be conducted in missionary lands, typically in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
As a new Conference President, my key takeaway from this meeting is that the Franciscan brotherhood is very much alive and dynamic, even though vocations and our overall numbers are diminishing. There is a deep desire to focus on initial and ongoing formation, to find opportunities to collaborate on impactful projects, and to dare to dream anew, such as in the New Forms of Evangelisation. It is a great platform, on the global stage so to speak, to clarify issues and voice out concerns from our Asian context. My prayer is that this continued fraternal contact, communication, and discernment will bear lasting fruit in the building of the Kingdom of God wherever we friars might be.
Friar Derrick Yap OFM