21 November 2023

Incarnational Spirituality

“Why did God become man?” This soul-searching question has occupied the hearts of many Christians through the ages, including saints such as Francis of Assisi.

God taking human flesh – the incarnation (carne = flesh)

– is a mystery calling us to deeper reflection, to plumb deeper into this mysterious love that God is and has for his creation, so much so that God the Creator becomes created. Blessed John Duns Scotus, a renowned Franciscan theologian, sees this humble movement of God as perfecting creation; that creation becomes new because with the Risen Christ whose body is now glorified, creation is glorified and renewed.

All this insight can be drawn from the night of Christmas Eve 1223, 800 years ago, when Francis enacted the Nativity Scene in the little town of Greccio, Italy. He had found that hearts were cold and people had forgotten the reason God had become man, and he desired to recreate in the manger of people’s hearts a space to embrace the Christ Child. God became a child so that we dare to go near to God, to hold, to play, to enjoy the presence of God. God is not far away; he is very near and that is why he became incarnate at the first Christmas.

This year (2023), the Franciscan family begins our Franciscan Centenary celebrations with the celebration of the event at Greccio and the approval of the Later Rule. Our Rule exhorts us friars to be near to God’s people, to continue to incarnate God’s humble love for all, to be missionaries of peace and brotherhood. To share our Rule with you, our Franciscan Calendar 2024 features our various ministries and missions in Singapore and Malaysia with captions from the Rule and various writings of Francis and about Francis.

Francis and Clare embraced poverty because they trusted in God’s providence through their many benefactors. We modern Franciscans continue to embrace this spirit of poverty trusting that when God calls, God provides, through the many discerning and generous hearts. Please pray for our missions and for us to be willing to go where God sends us.

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