26 January 2024

With faith that God will provide

Dearest Family and Friends,

Autonomy? Many have asked me what is different now that the Custody of St Anthony Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei is no longer under the Province of the Holy Spirit in Australia.

Honestly, nothing much has changed as the Australian Province gave us a high level of independence and self-management. The main difference is that now the Custos makes the final decision about legal and finance matters, and safeguarding issues, approvals for Professions and Ordinations, and more. Taking on this responsibility has been a journey of deep learning and serious discernment for me, both purifying and illuminating at the same time!

The new year ushers a new beginning for many, and for us friars, one of these is that we have a brother, Friar Nelson Evarinus, beginning the new year as a deacon. Diakonia means service and it is a beautiful time of exploring the grace of service at the table of the word, the table of the eucharist and the table of the poor.

Nelson’s attachment in Penang will enable him to deepen his self-knowledge and accompaniment of God’s people with the Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Programme. He will be guided and supervised in his accompaniment of the people he meets in the hospital and in the parish of the Risen Christ which is under our care.

Speaking of formation, I am happy to report that an Asian Franciscan Formators Training Course is slated to begin in mid-2024. This course is designed to train those who will be forming young men and women in the Franciscan Religious Life in Asia. The idea was mooted at the Asian Franciscan Provincials Meeting in May last year, and I found myself raising my hand to volunteer to develop this course. I had no programme in mind, no professors, no students, no money, no venue, but I raised my hand in faith, trusting that the Lord would provide, as he always has.

In May, our Custody will host the Franciscan Lay Brothers’ Gathering for the South Asia, Australia and Oceania Conference (SAAOC) in Singapore. Lay brothers are friars who feel called to profess their lives into the Franciscan brotherhood, and do not feel called to be ordained as priests. Many exercise their ministries and craft in fields such as spiritual direction and retreat giving, arts and culture, teaching and forming lives and young religious. Many of our formators in the Custody are lay brothers. This gathering is meant to strengthen their identity as lay brothers and to envision the future ahead in the life and mission of lay brothers in this part of the world.

We often enter into the new year with excitement at the possibilities and yes, with a touch of uncertainty too, but we know we navigate the waters of our adventure together with you, and with God! Thank you dear friends and benefactors for your constant support and prayers!

Have a graced and spirit-filled 2024!

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