Dear friends and benefactors,
It’s that special time again when we intentionally look over the year that has passed and see where our journeys, especially our spiritual journeys, have taken us. We ask ourselves, “Where has God been in my life, and where is he leading me to?”.
During Advent – a season of waiting with a purpose – we wait for the second coming, the ultimate return of all things back to God; and closer to the week of Christmas, we turn our focus to the first coming of Christ at Bethlehem. Christ reminds us that we are not alone on our journeys; just think of his incarnation at Christmas, and the repeated coming again in the flesh at every Eucharist.
I look back on the year and give thanks to God for the blessings, graces and opportunities for growth, and the times of struggle that opened windows for a greater realisation of self.
One of the greatest joys for me was the meeting of Guardians (community superiors) in September. We have been meeting quarterly online for two years, but our in-person meetings deepen our relationships and train Guardians for their role as animators of our fraternities.
“Animation” is a tricky word, especially when used in the context of a fraternity. To animate is to give life and if we want to be true to its root meaning (anima = soul), then it is to give soul to the brotherhood. That’s the labour of love of the Guardian for each community, and likewise, of the Custos for the brotherhood of seven communities in Malaysia and Singapore. Encouraged deeply by the dedication of other provinces to the training of Guardians, I have tried to implement formation and training of our Guardians for their primary spiritual call to care for souls – particularly the “soul” of the fraternity. We spent three full days in Kuching, Sarawak working on this, and we also had training in finance and accountability.
In October, I was with our Asian animators for JPIC (Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation) for a meeting in Sabah to consolidate our current efforts, collaborate with one another and the wider Franciscan Family, and create new initiatives to address real needs on the ground. The focus was on two areas – peace and integral ecology. You can read about this meeting in the News section. The presence of a Franciscan sister, a Secular Franciscan and an Anglican Third Order Franciscan shows the inclusivity and fraternal collaboration among us who follow the spirit of St Francis of Assisi.
I am also grateful for the experience of promoting our Franciscan Calendar 2025, featuring artwork by Friar Robin Toha, and accompanying merchandise. Many thanks to our collaborators and the four parishes we worked with, and to those of you who bought our calendar and merchandise.
In November, Friar Vernon Chua and I accompanied 32 pilgrims on a Franciscan Italy pilgrimage. I went from that to Rome for the meeting of Franciscan Conference Presidents at our OFM Curia (HQ), my first as the President of the South Asia, Australia and Oceania Conference (SAAOC). Upon my return to Singapore, I jumped straight into the Closing Residency Programme of the Asian Franciscan Formators Training (AFFT). These two weeks of in-person sessions included an experience of the process of Franciscan Formative Accompaniment with a Swiss friar-psychologist.
There is so much happening, and we friars are fortunate to have you journeying with us in prayer and generous contributions. We remain extremely grateful to you all, and we wish you and your loved ones a very fruitful Advent into Christmas and the New Year!