Sister Stars
“Praised be You, my Lord, through Sister Moon and the stars,
in heaven You formed them clear and precious and beautiful.”
How many times have you asked the Lord,
“Are You there?” or “Are You even listening to me?”
I have had many episodes of questioning God when things did not go my way.
The struggle to trust is not easy. Even Abraham had his struggles. Genesis 15 is one of my favourite chapters in the Bible to remind me that God is always there regardless whether I can feel God or not, whether I can see God or not, whether I can experience God or not.
He brought him outside and said,
“Look toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to count them.”
Then he said to him, “So shall your descendants be.” Genesis 15:5
Like Sister Stars, God is always there, but we will not be able to see God in brightness or when we are distracted by the other things that we perceive as the light.
There are two ways to interpret the artwork for Sister Stars. The first one is how many of our wishes and dreams that we send to God and God always receives and listens to our prayers. Our prayer is beautiful in God’s ear. The second one is how abundant God’s blessings are for eah of us. How much we receive depends on how much we open ourselves up to God.
For Reflection,
- When did you feel God’s presence in your life? Recall that moment(s).
- When did you feel God was absent? Pray for gift of the Spirit of openness and discernment.
- Now, look back again with the Lord, ask Him to guide you to understand.