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Celebrating the life of Friar Arul Mariadass, OFM A video tribute in remembrance of our beloved brother Friar Arul Mariadass Let's unite in prayer and remembrance.
Plenary Indulgence on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the “Nativity scene at Greccio”
From the 8th December 2023 till the 2nd February 2024 in every Franciscan church On the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the "Nativity scene of Greccio", the Apostolic Penitentiary granted a plenary indulgence to all the faithful who, from 8 December 2023...
‘Regula Bullata’: Franciscans celebrate 800 years of evangelical creativity
As the Franciscan family celebrates the 800th anniversary of the Rule of St. Francis on 29 November, Fr. Luke Gregory of the Custody of the Holy Land reflects on the evangelical creativity and freshness that the ‘Regula Bullata’ represents for the entire Church. In...
Pope encourages Franciscans to live out their charism in the world
As the Franciscan Family marks the 8th Centenary of the confirmation of the Rule of St. Francis, on 29 November 1223, Pope Francis invites Franciscan friars and sisters to renew their vocation of bringing the Gospel of poverty and fraternity to today’s world. Pope...
St. Anthony’s Bread (November 2023)
Hearts Filled with Grace and Gratitude
Dearest Family and Friends, I’m home! I penned this message in Assisi, and yes, I fondly call Assisi “home”. There is such a feeling of right-ness whenever I am in this sacred town where St Francis, the little poor man (Il Poverello), was born, lived and loved, and...
A Franciscan Year Focussed on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation
For the first part of my Franciscan Year, I was sent to Indonesia to learn about the Franciscan Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) and Eco-Pastoral activities in the Province of St Michael the Archangel (Indonesia). The province has a well-established...
An Evening of Fellowship and Exploration
Eight young men chose to chill out with the Franciscan Friars at the St Peter of Alcantara Friary in Penang on 11 September 2023. The “Lepak with the Friars” evening was an opportunity for them to get a glimpse of life as a friar, and explore the possibilities for a...
Training to Foster Spiritual Growth and Fraternal Unity
From 11 to 13 September 2023, the superiors of the seven communities of friars in Malaysia and Singapore gathered for the Custody of St Anthony’s first Guardians Training. Over the three days, using resources from the Roman Curia, the Guardians (Community Superiors)...