This married couple lived in the Italian town of Poggibonsi, where Luchesio worked as a merchant and moneylender. His life was marked by no special motive beyond making money. Sometime in his thirties, however, a change came over him, prompted perhaps by the death of his children. He gave up his business and distributed his wealth, keeping only a small plot of land to farm. He and his wife, Buonadonna, began to serve the sick and poor, sharing their food with those less fortunate and entrusting themselves to Providence.
At this point, St. Francis of Assisi happened to visit their town on one of his preaching tours. The couple were taken by his message and asked if there was not some way for them to follow his path without separating and entering religious life. Francis had longed to establish a Third Order in the Franciscan family for laypeople living in the world. Happily, he clothed Luchesio and Buonadonna in the plain habit and cord of the order. Tradition remembers them as the first Franciscan tertiaries.
The couple lived on for many years. As Luchesio approached the end of his life, Buonadonna prayed that they might not be separated by death. Her prayer was answered; both husband and wife died on the same day, April 28, 1260.
Source : The Franciscan Saints (Franciscan Media)