All Creatures Great and Small!
Join us in giving thanks to God for the furry and feathery creatures that bring us so much joy and companionship.
So, get your dog, cat, gerbil, bird, lizard, rabbit, or other beloved critter(s) ready for a crazy, fun, Zoom online blessing!
All are welcome!
*The service will also be broadcast live on our Franciscan Friars Youtube Channel. Subscribe to get notified when go live this 3rd October.
3rd October 2021
5PM (GMT+8)
“Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures. You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land. You inspired St. Francis to call all of them his brothers and sisters. We ask you to bless this pet. By the power of your love, enable this beloved creature to live according to your plan. May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures! Amen.”
*We will be recording the event and taking photos. By registering for and participating in the event, you will be deemed to have consented to the disclosure and capture of your personal information.