Ministries & Mission

Secular Franciscans

T he Franciscan Third Order Secular, or Secular Franciscans, was established in the 13th Century to enable lay people to live the charism of St Francis without entering religious life. Today its members, or tertiaries, form themselves into fraternities or pastoral communities, and in their daily, secular life live the Franciscan vocation of Gospel-living in fraternal communion. 

Tertiaries follow the Rule of their Order which acts as a guide for prayer, obedience and fraternal life. Like the First and Second Orders, they proceed through the stages of postulancy and novitiate (called “Inquiry” and “Candidacy”), before making their permanent profession during Mass, in the presence of God and the congregation.

Secular Franciscans are lay men and women, married and single. They do not take vows like those in religious orders, or wear habits or live in communities. They participate in regular prayer meetings, formation programmes and retreats, and are encouraged to carry out or participate in social or missionary work. 

For more information, please contact : 

Malaysia Secular Franciscan Order 

National Minister  – Marina Anjuman, OFS   


Singapore  Secular Franciscan Order (OFS)

National Minister  – Janet Lim, OFS