28 March 2021

2021 Liturgy of the Hours (Lauds)

The Liturgy of the Hours are a set of prayers that mark and sanctify the passing of the day starting with Lauds at dawn to Compline at night. Together with the mass, they form the public prayer of the church and are the basis of prayer for religious orders such as the Franciscan Friars.

During Holy Week, and especially during the Triduum from Maundy Thursday to Holy Saturday, these prayers become an intense response to God’s love for us and His offer of salvation.

This Holy Week, we invite you to join us for Lauds via our social media platform (Franciscan Friars Youtube, Facebook and IGTV). We will be premiering just before 6 am from 29th March to 3rd April. Not to worry if 6 am is too early. The video of the morning prayer will be made available on our social media platform so you can follow the prayer when you get up. We encourage you to begin each day with Lauds this Holy Week.

Together, let us respond to God’s salvation and sanctify the world with our intercessions and our faith.

Peace and all good.

Introduction to the Liturgy of the Hours by Friar Clifford Augustine, OFM

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