2022 Holy Saturday Evening Reflection

2022 Holy Saturday Evening Reflection

In this most sacred of nights, the church and whole of creation welcomes the Light of Christ and proclaims Easter with the Exsultet. Through scripture we recall salvation history and journey toward the fullness of God’s revelation in Christ.

The celebration of the Easter Vigil is filled with so many gifts from nature, from beeswax, fire, incense to water, oil, bread and wine.

As we reflect on the salvation brought by Christ, we must ensure that we care and protect the fragile world that provides us all with these gifts. May the power and light of grace we have received, help to nurture the relationship we have with all creation.

2022 Good Friday Reflection

2022 Good Friday Reflection

First, we reflect on the death of the Lord’s anointed, as prophesied by Isaiah. We ponder His last words that echo the Psalms in hope. We follow Him on the way of the cross.

Next, we recognise Christ’s death as His conquest over the powers of darkness. Throughout the whole journey, Christ is the powerful One. The Good Friday service is a victory celebration that focuses on Jesus’ weapon, the Holy Cross!

Through Jesus, we are victorious in the battlefield of human misery. He has gained for us access to the throne of God! We can now bring our needs and those of the world to our Father.

Custos Connect : Finding Christmas

Dearest family and friends,

May the Lord give you peace!

As 2020 comes to a close, we give thanks for the year, for the blessings that God has given us and for the challenges that in the end have made us more creative and faithful to God.

In this episode, Friar Derrick shares with us the latest update taking place in the Custody. Tune in to find out more!

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Franciscan Calendar 2021 Pre-order

Franciscan Calendar 2021 Pre-order

This beautiful 12-month calendar marries inspirational quotes from St Francis with the artwork of Friar Joseph Hoang OFM from Vietnam.

To help us cover the cost of printing and postage, and support our Franciscan life and mission,  we suggest a minimum contribution of SGD 15 per calendar.

To pre-order, please email:  ofmcomms@gmail.com