Who Are You, O God?

Who Are You, O God?

17th September – The Feast of the Stigmata of our Father Francis of Assisi.

In 1224, Saint Francis went up to Mount Alvernia to pray, seeking solace and peace. And he asked for two graces – to experience the sufferings of Jesus’ Passion and also to experience the burning love that brought him up on the cross. And on 17th September, 3 days after the Feast of the Holy Cross, Francis saw a vision of the Crucified One as a Seraph and after that, saw the 5 wounds of the Crucified One appearing on his own flesh.

His perennial question of “Who are you, O God, and who am I” was thus answered…

Written by Ethan Hsu
Vocals by Friar Derrick ofm
Arranged, mixed and mastered by Daniel Chai
Keyboard by Ethan Hsu
Video by Jacob Teo


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International Deaf Day 2022

International Deaf Day 2022

International Day of the Deaf 2022

?? Hi there,

You are invited to a Zoom Event hosted by Friar Rowland Yeo, OFM.

To celebrate International Day of The Deaf, Friar Rowland, priest for St Francis SignLight Deaf community has invited Deafs from Singapore and Malaysia to meet on zoom.

He will be telling the stories of Saint Francis and Saint Anthony for us to learn about their lives, and how they love God and serve God.

Friar Rowland will also be giving quiz, which he will be giving away Friar Doll and Rosary made by him.

When: Sep 26, 2022 08:00 PM (Singapore/Malaysia Time)

Click HERE to register in advance!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the zoom event.

We will see you then ?

Franciscan Custos and General Visitor pay fraternal visit to St Ann’s Parish

Franciscan Custos and General Visitor pay fraternal visit to St Ann’s Parish

KOTA PADAWAN — Friar Derrick Yap OFM, Custos of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, together with General Visitor, Friar Robert Frazzetta OFM, arrived at St Ann’s Parish for a fraternal visit from 26–30 June 2022.

The visit to Kuching was filled with plenty of activities, beginning with a courtesy call on Archbishop Simon Poh of the Kuching Archdiocese.

They then spent time with the staff of St Ann’s Parish that included a tour around the church. Both friars also met the Franciscan Aspirants of Sarawak, to share their vocation to the religious life.

Joined by Friar David Au, Friar Don Don Ramerez and Friar Aiden Peter, they continued their journey to Sabah to attend the Franciscan Custody Assembly.

Source: Today’s Catholic

Kadazan Friar Professes Solemn Vows

Kadazan Friar Professes Solemn Vows

Friar Nelson with his immediate family members.

On a fine Saturday morning in July, in the presence of more than 750 people comprising friars, family, friends and parishioners, Friar Nelson Evarinus made his Solemn Profession to observe the Rule of St Francis according to the Constitutions of the Order of Friars Minor. His family and other relatives had made the trek from different parts of Sabah for a front-row seat to witness this milestone in Nelson’s journey as a Franciscan friar.

Friar Nelson is Kadazan, an indigenous ethnic group in Sabah, and it was important for him and the friars that his cultural roots be honoured. Kadazan culture abounded throughout the liturgy. Dancers in traditional colourful clothing made their way up to the church as part of the dramatic entrance procession, and the rousing music, song and local dance inspired spontaneous participation amongst the congregants, especially the stirring renditions of the “Gloria” and “Alleluia”.

Provincial Minister Friar Phillip Miscamble received Nelson’s profession at the Mass at the Church of St Aloysius in Limbanak, Kota Kinabalu on 9 July. In his homily, Friar Phillip said, “Your brothers and sisters welcome the call that you have received, and we will be there to support you as you go forward. Keep radiating the joy of the Gospel with your beautiful smile. Continue to pass along the goodness of God’s people, and build the Kingdom every day of your life.”

At the end of the Mass, Friar Phillip reminded everyone that Francis realised that “the hand of the Lord rested upon him” and as such, the first thing to do in life is to welcome life, and welcome the gifts that the Lord with goodness and graciousness freely bestows. Francis learned to embrace everything and everyone, and this, Friar Philip said, is possible for all of us.

When asked to describe the emotions that ran through his mind before and during the rite of his Solemn Profession, Nelson shared, “I felt a profound sense of peace. It felt right. I was happy to make the offering to God and to make the promise to Jesus Christ to follow the Gospel as well as I am able.”

Discerning How to Restore the Gospel in Us

Discerning How to Restore the Gospel in Us

And Jesus said to the apostles, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” (Mark 6:31). He had sent them out two by two to minister to the people, and they were exhausted on their return. He saw their need for rest, not just for physical rest, but their need to rest in the Lord.

So do we all need to rest in the Lord. And rest in the Lord is what the friars of the Custody of St Anthony (Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei) did when they gathered in a remote location in July. From their varied ministries in Singapore, Kuching, Johor and Penang, they travelled to Kampung Kokol in Sabah to rest in the Lord, in quiet, in prayer, in fraternity, and to seek his voice in what the Custody ought to do in the next three years.

They had gathered for the Custody Assembly which, together with the Custody Chapter in October, is
held every three years. With them was Provincial Minister Friar Phillip Miscamble, since the Custody is part of the Province of the Holy Spirit in Australia.

The Custody Assembly and Chapter are among the most significant gatherings in the life of the Custody. It is when, as a Custody, the friars:

  • Look honestly at its life and ministry – How have they lived their lives as Friars Minor? What have they done as ministers of the Gospel?
  • Report, reflect and discuss issues which are important for the life of the Custody
  • Discuss the possibilities for faith-filled love and life, and propose suitable ways to foster growth and improvement.
The friars spent five days in July reflecting, planning, praying, and reconnecting at the Custody Assembly.

The theme of this Assembly and Chapter is “Restoring the Gospel in Us”. Recognising that the Gospel is the source and origin of the Order, it was felt that it was time to focus again on “restoring” the Gospel life.This Assembly, they were joined by Visitor General Friar Robert Frazzetta, who had been sent by Rome for the official visitation which takes place every three to six years. This official visitation is intended to ensure that the Custody remains faithful tothe Franciscan calling of fraternity and observance of Gospel living.

It serves to remind them of the foundational values of Franciscan life and encourage them from the heart to greater things – from the good to the better.

The friars spent the five days, 4 to 8 July, almost cloistered in a modest hotel about 40 to 50 minutes from the city.

They were full days, and much was achieved in terms of work and planning as the friars developed a broad sketch of how they envisioned continuing in their mission to bring the Good News to the places where it needs most to be heard.

They were days of community prayer with Lauds and the Eucharist in the morning, and Vespers in the evening. It was a joy to be able to pray together as a Custody and as a fraternity.

They were days of fraternity especially since it was the first gathering of the whole Custody since the Covid-19 lockdowns. There was great relief and happiness that they were able to meet each other again face to face, and to reconnect and renew bonds.

Friar Crispus Mosinoh, one of the newly-ordained priests, summed up his experience of the assembly thus, “The Custody Assembly was a joyful event, like how an extended family meet for a reunion dinner. Like any family, we have differences and challenges. As a young friar, it is very heartening to witness the spirit of renewal and fraternity that we share. If we can be brothers despite the challenges, then we can hope for the bigger community, the church. And if we have hope for the church, we can also have hope for society, for the world.”

The period of reflection and renewal that commenced with the Custody Assembly in July will culminate with the Custody Chapter at the end of October.

At the Chapter, the friars will evaluate further their Franciscan life, presence, ministry and formation, and discuss their priorities and areas of growth for the next three years. They will also spend the time discerning what more they can do from early next year, now that they have five newly-ordained priests.

The Custody Chapter is also a time of elections to office. The new leadership will also form the Board of the Custody’s registered charity, The Order of Friars Minor (Singapore) Limited.