In this most sacred of nights, the church and whole of creation welcomes the Light of Christ and proclaims Easter with the Exsultet. Through scripture we recall salvation history and journey toward the fullness of God’s revelation in Christ.
The celebration of the Easter Vigil is filled with so many gifts from nature, from beeswax, fire, incense to water, oil, bread and wine.
As we reflect on the salvation brought by Christ, we must ensure that we care and protect the fragile world that provides us all with these gifts. May the power and light of grace we have received, help to nurture the relationship we have with all creation.
Join as Mary stands vigil with Jesus at the cross, through his death, while never wavering in her faith that God will complete His work through Jesus Christ his Son.
First, we reflect on the death of the Lord’s anointed, as prophesied by Isaiah. We ponder His last words that echo the Psalms in hope. We follow Him on the way of the cross.
Next, we recognise Christ’s death as His conquest over the powers of darkness. Throughout the whole journey, Christ is the powerful One. The Good Friday service is a victory celebration that focuses on Jesus’ weapon, the Holy Cross!
Through Jesus, we are victorious in the battlefield of human misery. He has gained for us access to the throne of God! We can now bring our needs and those of the world to our Father.
Today, let us remember the 2 greatest legacies that Jesus leaves with us: The Lord’s Supper and how it has shaped the way we gather as a Christian community to celebrate the life, sacrifice and victory Jesus leaves us with through transforming his gift of bread and wine, into His divine body and blood.
As he knelt down to wash the feet of his disciples, Jesus set the supreme example of humility as our servant leader and he urges us to model after him.
As we partake in the the memorial of the Lord’s Supper, do we focus on being the “leader” or the “servant” and how does this impact the way we serve and lead as Christians?
Join the webinar on ‘The Refuge Crisis in Asia’ via Zoom on Saturday, 2 April 2022 10am – 11am. Hear from the personal experiences of the speakers & learn how you can make a difference organised by UNHCR. Friar Esmond Chua, OFM will be one of the speakers in this event.