As the Franciscan family celebrates the 800th anniversary of the Rule of St. Francis on 29 November, Fr. Luke Gregory of the Custody of the Holy Land reflects on the evangelical creativity and freshness that the ‘Regula Bullata’ represents for the entire Church.
In their essentiality, the Chapters of the Regula Bullata of Saint Francis of Assisi contain an abundant wealth of indications and stimuli for the Christian life, which for 800 years has raised, oriented, and supported hosts of simple men and women, determined to follow Jesus and the Gospel: the Friars Minor — “The Franciscans”.
We are able to “read” the best commentary on this Holy Rule in the lives of our Franciscan brothers and sisters, who throughout history have distinguished themselves for virtue and holiness.
Allow me to limit myself to underlining some traits that always fascinate me for the wisdom and concreteness wherewith they are imbued, and which have the strength to restore impetus and meaning to my own vocation.
Radical adherence to the Gospel
Saint Francis cares that his brothers observe “the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, living in obedience, without anything of their own and in chastity” (cf. chapter i), radically, without discounts, with every fiber of their being and in perfect communion with the Church and in obedience to the Holy Father, the Pope, which was absolutely essential to Francis’ vision of renewing and building up the Kingdom of God.
Even the criterion for verifying the seriousness of intention of the new brothers is profoundly ecclesial: “The ministers must then diligently examine them regarding the Catholic faith and the sacraments of the Church. And if they believe all these things and are willing to faithfully profess them and observe them steadfastly to the end” (cf. chapter ii, 2).
There are very clear and essential requests: the path of evangelical perfection is open to all, but only those who choose it with freedom and awareness adhere to it.
Our Seraphic and much beloved Father Saint Francis has imprinted an exemplary balance in the Holy Rule: everyone is called to develop firm radicalism towards themselves, but, at the same time, to exercise great mercy towards their brothers and sisters.
The radical nature of adhering to the Gospel must be experienced as a stimulus and support for one’s conversion but must never translate into contemptuous and demeaning judgment of other men (and women) (cf. chapter ii, 14).
Freshness of the truth
Saint Francis identified for himself and proposed to his brothers a sure way to adhere to the Gospel: poverty!
“The friars do not appropriate anything, neither house, nor place, or anything else. And as pilgrims and strangers in this world, serving the Lord in poverty and humility, let them go for alms with confidence” (cf. chapter vi, 1-2).
In the mind of Saint Francis, poverty has the flavour of a privilege, an honour, a grace; it is certainly not a reason for shame!
The profound reason for this choice, in fact, is not primarily of an ascetic or penitential nature, but is Christological.
“Nor should they be ashamed, because the Lord became poor for us in this world” (cf. chapter vi, 3).
Everything contributes to following Jesus, to becoming conformed to Him, to sharing the same life as Him: “This is the sublimity of the highest poverty!” (cf. chapter vi, 4).
The charm of the holiness of Francis of Assisi lies entirely in his surprising resemblance to Jesus, which he developed with an authentically evangelical life.
In his rule he has traced a path for us that is safe and not subject to the wear and tear of time, because both he as a figure and his Holy Rule enjoy the freshness of the simple and wholesome truth.
As the Franciscan Family marks the 8th Centenary of the confirmation of the Rule of St. Francis, on 29 November 1223, Pope Francis invites Franciscan friars and sisters to renew their vocation of bringing the Gospel of poverty and fraternity to today’s world.
Pope Francis has urged members of the Franciscan Family to hold true to the charism of fraternity, humility and poverty of their Founder by going out to the world to share the Gospel.
The Regula Bullata of 1223
For Franciscan friars and sisters going around the world means realizing their “itinerant vocation in a style of fraternity and peaceful life” and is in line with the call on all Christians “to be an ‘outgoing Church’”, the Pope said in a letter he addressed to the Ministers General of the Order on the occasion of the 8th Centenary of the formal confirmation of the Rule of St. Francis of Assisi by Pope Honorius III.
The Rule (Regula Bullata) was formally recognized in the Bull “Solere Annuere” issued on November 29 1223, 800 years ago today.
Pope Francis’ letter was read out during a solemn liturgy presided over on Wednesday afternoon at the Papal Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran in Rome by Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, the Pope’s Vicar for the Diocese.
The celebration was attended by friars, nuns, and lay people belonging to the three Orders founded by St. Francis.
Rooted in the Gospel
In his message, the Pope noted that the centenary is “a propitious occasion” not only to remember an important historical event, but above all, “to revive the same spirit that inspired St. Francis of Assisi to strip himself of everything, and give birth to a unique and fascinating form of life rooted in the Gospel”.
“May this jubilee be for everyone the time (…) for a renewed missionary mandate of the Church which calls us to go out to meet the world where many brothers and sisters await to be consoled, loved and cared for.”
Drawing from St. Francis’ Rule, Pope Francis, therefore, exhorted the members of the Franciscan Order first of all to “observe poverty, humility and the Gospel”, living “in obedience, without anything of their own and in chastity.”
Recalling that St. Francis put “the Gospel at the center of his existence”, the letter stressed the importance of returning “to the foundation of a Christian and baptismal commitment, capable of being inspired, in every choice, by the Word of the Lord.”
Obedience to the Church
Pope Francis then highlighted the Franciscans’ duty of obedience to the Church enshrined in St. Francis’ Rule. “In that bond of obedience and reverence to the Pope and the Church of Rome,” said the Pope, “he recognized an essential feature of the fidelity to his vocation and of receiving Christ in the Eucharist and this is why he declared, with no hesitation, his compelling belonging to the Church.”
“Be tenacious in supporting the Church, repairing it with example and testimony, even when it seems to cost more!”
Going out to the world
Finally, the letter called on the Franciscan friars and sisters “not to hesitate” to go out to the world “sharing the bliss of poverty, becoming an eloquent evangelical sign, and showing our age, marked by wars and conflicts, by selfishness of every kind and logics of exploitation of the environment and the poor, that the Gospel is truly good news for man.”
Concluding, Pope Francis said he confides in the Order’s capacity to identify the right way to courageously and faithfully respond to the charism it has received and invoked the intercession of the Virgin Mary and Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi.
I’m home! I penned this message in Assisi, and yes, I fondly call Assisi “home”. There is such a feeling of right-ness whenever I am in this sacred town where St Francis, the little poor man (Il Poverello), was born, lived and loved, and where he finally transited from this earthly life to heavenly life.
Francis’ Transitus nearly 800 years ago is being commemorated as a series of important life-episodes leading up to his passing:
1223 – Approval of the Later Rule and Nativity at Greccio 1224 – Stigmata of Mt Alvernia 1225 – Composition of the Canticle of Creatures 1226 – Transitus (the passing of St Francis)
This is a Franciscan family celebration, not just for the OFM (First Order) but also for the cloistered contemplative Poor Clares (Second Order), and the Franciscan Religious brothers and sisters and Secular Franciscans (Third Order), and indeed by all who embrace the spirit of Francis.
Our Custody of St Anthony began celebrations in April this year with the Franciscan Spiritualty Conference featuring Friar Wayne Hellmann OFM Conv. In October, the Franciscan Friars hosted the Franciscan family in Singapore in celebrating the Transitus at the Church of St Mary of the Angels, where the themes of the Later Rule and the Nativity at Greccio were weaved into the Transitus recollection. Other commemorations are planned in the years leading to 2026.
Looking back on the year, I am grateful to see friars owning the Fraternal Life Project in their own fraternities. The seven fraternities developed their own Fraternal Life Project according to their unique character and circumstances while respecting the common Franciscan life that we friars have committed to, i.e. prayer in common, times for recreation and chapters (meetings), and dedicated time for regular days of recollection. It is my hope that they will each also have a fraternity mission project to serve the poor and needy together as brothers.
What the Fraternal Life Project really needs is for a friar to dream, spearhead, and animate the process. Who better to do this than the “mother” of the house, the Guardian (i.e. the superior of the community)? This is one of the reasons we have a greater concern for formation and support for our Guardians, and why we came together for a three-day gathering recently. You can read about this in the News section.
These are some of our efforts to foster holistic care of the individual friar. In this way, our friars can journey towards greater authenticity and integrity for the service of God’s kingdom, and our mission will be totally focussed on the Lord and his people.
There is an accompanying formation journey in the areas of Mission and Evangelisation, and Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC).
In fact, JPIC is the focus of student friar Marvin Voo’s Franciscan Year Exposure in Indonesia. He has been there since January, and he shares his learnings with us in this issue.
As for myself, I was graced recently to spend time with refugees in Kuala Lumpur. I met students and teachers at Zotung Catholic Learning Centre, and the sharing session with the teachers, who are also refugees, was heart-wrenching but very inspirational. Such stories of courage and faith.
We also visited a clinic and a convalescent home for refugees, who often have limited access to medical treatment. The tireless efforts and passion of those involved are examples of hope for all humankind. I hope to be able to collaborate in their efforts, if possible. This is what we Franciscans have been called to do – to have a special love for the poor and disenfranchised, because Christ Crucified lives in them.
As we approach the end of the year, may we see the graces God has blessed us with, may we see the life’s lessons that we have painfully learnt, and may we see the needs of others that we have been called to alleviate.
On behalf of all of the friars, I pray that the celebrations of Advent and Christmas will bring you and your family plentiful graces, and that the joy and peace of the Christ Child will fill your hearts with grace and gratitude!
For the first part of my Franciscan Year, I was sent to Indonesia to learn about the Franciscan Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) and Eco-Pastoral activities in the Province of St Michael the Archangel (Indonesia). The province has a well-established JPIC office in Jakarta with dedicated staff, and Eco-Pastoral is active in several locations around Indonesia, in Sindanglaya, Atambua, Khurbokho, Pagal and Tentang.
In January and February, I went to the JPIC office every day to learn its administrative structure. In March and April, I was in Eco-Pastoral Sindanglaya, where the friars administer a boarding school and the elementary school. Close by is a middle school, and the friars offer accommodation for students from low-income families and from the countryside.
On weekends and school breaks, a Lay Brother and Eco-Pastoral staff guide the students as they work in the garden or farm. They learn about compost packaging, gather grass to feed the goats, feed the fish, water plants, and harvest vegetables and other produce for their meals. They also learn to lead prayers, and read and sing at liturgical services.
I spent the final week of May to the end of June in Atambua, West Timor, near the border with Timor Leste. The journey to the friary in Atambua took six hours, and the Eco-Pastoral Motamaru mission is another 30 km by motorcycle.
The villagers are poor. When I visited a couple of nearby homes, I was sad to see that they only had soil floors and their walls were made entirely of bamboo. Imagine how wet everything would be when it rained.
The mission consists of two lay Franciscan brothers and four aspirants, and is neither affiliated with a church nor engaged in traditional ministry. Instead, it finds ways to interact with the villagers through eco-farming and, because it has a water pump, providing them with clean water. They are undoubtedly living the two Franciscan lungs of fraternity and minority.
My month there was a precious experience that strengthened my vocation. The morning I arrived, they had already begun their day. I am grateful that I was able to work with them in the paddy fields. It reminded me of what I used to see with my maternal great grandmother when I was a child.
However, the rice mill was what really moved me. It was not what I am used to seeing in my hometown in Sabah. This was smaller and ‘”do it yourself”.
I took a photo of Br Agus smiling while sitting on top of the rice mill, and looking at the photo later, I thought that he must have been smiling with the satisfaction of reaping what he had sown. A few bags of rice were kept for the friars’ consumption for the next six months, and the rest was sold to support the life of the friars and the aspirants.
Initially I was troubled by the lack of security. People were free to come and go, and to use our water pump at any time. I was always worrying as I had heard about goats and cows being taken in the past. However, God was teaching me to have faith, and to worry less in order to pay attention to what I was doing. So I said, “God, if it is meant to be, so be it.”
From West Timor, I moved to Flores Island on 2 July. There I worked, until the end of August, in an Eco-Pastoral with parish in Khurbokho, and later in Eco-Pastoral Pagal, where the Eco- Pastoral ministry began.
I learnt that the Eco-Pastoral mission provides practical experience through study and internships with nearby schools or universities. Students go to learn about how to care for the soil, and how to grow vegetables without using chemicals or pesticides.
The Eco-Pastoral team also teaches the younger generation that farming is a vocation. Eco-Pastoral Pagal is even introducing new varieties of vegetables to the villagers.
It is only now, after working with Eco-Pastoral Pagal, that I can grasp the meaning of Integral Ecology. It is the cycle of life, and we human beings are interconnected with the ecosystem. Eco-Pastoral is a way friars can build bridges in response to the cry of the poor and the earth.
As I look back on my time in Indonesia, I remember a line in a song by Ivan Nestorman in Manggarai dialect (the local language in West Flores) – “One hau de daku nai… ai hau de, mata leso ge”. This translates to “I give you all my loving heart, because you are my sunshine”.
This is like a prayer for me as I give God my time and myself, since he is the one who always shines the light for my journey, and is where my soul finds rest. Now, whenever I am feeling down, I find consolation in looking at the sun rising, shining in dazzling yellow, or setting in an orange-coloured sky. I feel the warmth of God’s love as he is always with me.
Friar Marvin Voo OFM
The Franciscan Year is an important time when the student friar is exposed to other fraternities, missions and possibilities to help him clarify the desire for solemn profession and his sense of belonging to an international Order.