Who Are You, O God?
17th September – The Feast of the Stigmata of our Father Francis of Assisi.
In 1224, Saint Francis went up to Mount Alvernia to pray, seeking solace and peace. And he asked for two graces – to experience the sufferings of Jesus’ Passion and also to experience the burning love that brought him up on the cross. And on 17th September, 3 days after the Feast of the Holy Cross, Francis saw a vision of the Crucified One as a Seraph and after that, saw the 5 wounds of the Crucified One appearing on his own flesh.
His perennial question of “Who are you, O God, and who am I” was thus answered…
Written by Ethan Hsu
Vocals by Friar Derrick ofm
Arranged, mixed and mastered by Daniel Chai
Keyboard by Ethan Hsu
Video by Jacob Teo
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