Integration Program for Postulants in the Philippines

Integration Program for Postulants in the Philippines

From February 17th to 22nd, 2025, at the San Damiano Integration House in Baguio City (Philippines), the postulants of the Philippine Provinces of San Pedro Bautista and St. Anthony of Padua, and those of the Custody of St. Anthony (Singapore-Malaysia-Brunei) and the St. Francis of Assisi Foundation (Myanmar), were involved in a joint Psycho-Spiritual Integration Program for postulants.

The program, promoted by Br. Chris Tibong, OFM (S. Pedro Bautista), aims to strengthen the bond between the postulants of the Entities involved, promote personal bonds between the participants and focus on the understanding of the human person through the Human, Christian and Franciscan dimensions.

In the human dimension, participants had the opportunity to revisit their inner childhood, focusing on their wounds and how they cope with past experiences. The goal was to support their journey towards inner healing and liberation.

A deep sense of prayer and devotion rooted in Franciscan spirituality was observed throughout the program. As our Seraphic Father St. Francis of Assisi said, “do not extinguish the spirit of prayer” was an integral part of the program.

The Franciscan dimension focused on the themes of fraternity and minority. The program reminded participants that the foundation of our vocation to fraternal life lies in opening ourselves to others, accepting ourselves, and engaging in dialogue with both ourselves and others.

It was this spirit of brotherhood that inspired the creation of a joint program, allowing participants to grow in the life of fraternity. The meeting was made possible through the collaboration between the Philippine Provinces, the St. Francis of Assisi Foundation in Myanmar, and the Custody of St. Anthony of Padua in Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei.

This program is a constant invitation to integrate the lessons into daily life, as participants embrace the Franciscan way of living.

Source: OFM

Following the poor and crucified Christ

Following the poor and crucified Christ

Early in 2024, I made the decision to apply for my Solemn Profession, and a date was set. However, our ways are not God’s ways, and the original date was changed to 17 September, the Feast of the Stigmata of St Francis of Assisi. This year is the 800th anniversary of the event, and I believe this change of date was God’s intention, that the Holy Spirit guided the council members towards the decision. What made it even more special was that Pope Francis visited Singapore five days earlier.

I began postulancy in 2017 and looking back, I realise that the Franciscan way of being an itinerant has been very real. Each year, I moved to a different Franciscan community in Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia and East-Timor, often not knowing the actual destination and simply trusting in God’s guidance. I believe this captures the real meaning of the word “itinerant” from the Latin “iter”, which means “way” or “journey”. Through my encounters with the Lord in everyone and everything along the way, my life has been gradually transformed.

God has never given up on me, even though my prayers often sound like complaints: “Lord, help me! O Lord, why? Lord, what should I do next? Lord, I’m not sure. Should I stop here?”. He continues to guide me to this way of life and especially to the Franciscan mission.

For me, the Stigmata of St Francis occurred because of his deep connection with Christ. It symbolises a union and confirmation of a relationship between a human being and Christ Jesus, sharing in his suffering and love. It is not just about physical marks but also about experiencing the reality of his wounds. As St Bonaventure saw it, Francis became “another Christ” not only because of the stigmata but because of how he related to others and all creation. He became a person of mercy, reconciliation, and peace, allowing himself to be completely embraced by the compassionate love of the crucified Christ. For the sake of love, he held nothing back and gave everything to the One he loved (Ilia Delio, Franciscan Prayer).

Professing my vows confirms my response to God’s love and my desire to give my life fully to him in the Order of Friars Minor. My Solemn Profession is not just a public declaration of my commitment to live the evangelical vows of obedience, with nothing of my own, and chastity. These vows guide and remind me that my journey is about faithfully living out the Rule of the Friars Minor, following the poor and crucified Christ, and recognising God in my fraternity, in the people of God, and in God’s creation.

Friar Marvin Voo OFM

Embarking on a new journey with a heart full of hope

Embarking on a new journey with a heart full of hope

On 11 August 2024, I had the profound honour of being ordained a priest. As I stood before the congregation, surrounded by family, friends and fellow clergy, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and humility. The journey to this day had been one of deep discernment, study, and prayer.

Friar Nelson Evarinus OFM was called to the Order of the Presbyterate by Bishop Cornelius Piong (Keningau Diocese) at St Patrick Church, Membakut, Sabah in August. He shares this reflection.

As I reflect on the significance of my ordination, I am reminded that this is not a destination but the beginning of a lifelong journey. There will be challenges, and I will undoubtedly face moments of doubt and uncertainty. However, I trust that God will continue to guide me in the days to come. It is my prayer that I may remain steadfast in my commitment to serve with love, compassion and humility, always seeking to do God’s will in all that I undertake.

Being entrusted with the care of a large parish (St Ann’s Church, Kota Padawan,
Kuching, Sarawak) is both a blessing and a challenge. It is a responsibility that I do not take lightly, knowing that I am called to be a shepherd to a diverse and vibrant community.

In addition to my parish responsibilities, I have been appointed as the Spiritual Director for Creation Justice in the diocese. This is a role that aligns with my passion for the care of God’s creation. In a world increasingly threatened by environmental degradation, I feel a deep calling to advocate for the protection and stewardship of the earth. This task is immense, requiring not only prayer and reflection but also action and advocacy. I hope to inspire others within the diocese to recognise the sacredness of creation and to join in the work of safeguarding it for future generations.

I know I do not walk this new journey alone. I know I have the support of my fellow clergy, my parish community, and all those who have journeyed with me thus far, and I am grateful for this. Together, we will work to build a community of faith that is vibrant, inclusive, and committed to the Gospel message of love and justice.

So, I step into this new chapter of my life with a heart full of hope, trusting that God will lead me and all those I serve on a path that brings glory to His name.

May the Lord bless us all, and may we find the strength and courage to walk faithfully in His light.

Alleluia, a new priest for St Ann’s Church!

Alleluia, a new priest for St Ann’s Church!

KOTA PADAWAN — The St Ann’s Church community was filled with joy as they welcomed their new priest, Friar Nelson Evarinus Sipalan, OFM on 18 August 2024. His arrival marked the beginning of a new chapter in the parish’s spiritual journey, bringing with it fresh energy, dedication, and a deep commitment to serving the people.

Parishioners of St Ann’s Church gathered with great enthusiasm to extend a heartfelt welcome to Friar Nelson. The Church, adorned with vibrant decorations and filled with the harmonious sounds of the choir, reflected the community’s excitement.

Friar Nelson Evarinus Sipalan, a member of the Order of Friars Minor (OFM), has with him a strong foundation in Franciscan spirituality. Born and raised in Membakut, Sabah, Friar Nelson felt a calling to the priesthood at a young age. After years of study, prayer, and service, he was ordained as a priest, dedicating his life to serving the Church and its faithful.

During the dinner, PPC Chairman Judas Anak Ligon took the opportunity to speak, offering words of welcome and encouragement to Friar Nelson. He expressed his excitement about the new chapter in the parish’s life and their eagerness to work closely with him in the coming years.

Friar Nelson, visibly moved by the warm reception, addressed the gathering, expressing his deep appreciation for the warm welcome and the effort that had gone into organising the dinner.

“I am incredibly touched by the love and support I have received since I was in Sabah, up until my arrival here,” Friar Nelson said.

“This evening is a beautiful reminder of the strength of our community, and I am excited to begin this journey with all of you. Together, we can build a parish that is not only strong in faith but also in our love and care for one another.”

The evening continued with lively conversations, laughter, and a sense of camaraderie that underscored the strong bonds within the parish community. The dinner served as a perfect start to Friar Nelson’s celebration of Mass at St Ann’s, setting the tone for a collaborative and spiritually enriching journey ahead.

As the event drew to a close, parishioners left with full hearts, excited for the future and grateful for the opportunity to come together to celebrate their new priest. The welcome dinner was not just a meal but a powerful expression of the community’s commitment to supporting Friar Nelson and each other in their shared faith journey. It is the beginning of another wonderful chapter for everyone at St Ann’s, Kota Padawan. May God bless us all!

Source: Today’s Catholic

Pentahbisan melakar sejarah selepas 44 tahun

Pentahbisan melakar sejarah selepas 44 tahun

MEMBAKUT – “Mungkin inilah sebab hujan lebat selepas 44 tahun baru hari ini ada tahbisan paderi dari ini paroki”, ujar paderi paroki St Patrick Membakut, Fr Boniface Kimsin membuatkan para umat gelak ketawa.

Paroki St Patrick Membakut telah melahirkan seorang paderi yang ketiga sekaligus melakar sejarah selepas 44 tahun. Namun, pada tahun ini, 2024, paroki St Patrick tepat pukul 4.00 petang, 11 Ogos sempena pesta Santa Clara dari Assisi, Misa Kudus Pentahbisan imamat, Friar William Nelson Evarinus Sipalan, OFM anak watan dari Kg Sinoko, Membakut dengan suara penuh sukacita telah mengatakan “YA” dalam menyahut panggilan imamat.

Kemeriahan perjalanan Misa Kudus di dahului oleh paluan kulintangan irama muzik tradisional diiringi tarian oleh beliawan beliawanis lengkap dengan pakaian tradisi. Kehadiran beberapa friar dari Malaysia-Singapore adalah semangat cinta persaudaraan Order Franciscan Minor.

Fr Nalerin Erone dari Serikat Yesus yang juga baru ditahbis pada 31 July turut hadir bersama beberapa rakannya, Fr Andrew Kim (Most Holy Trinity Mirinae, South Korea) dan para paderi keuskupan memancarkan semarak jiwa dalam panggilan imamat.

“Saya harap saya tidak dipanggil untuk bagi ucapan, sebab hujan tapi kena panggil juga”, ujar Uskup Cornelius Piong menggemakan suasana sukacita para umat.

“Kenapa selepas 44tahun? Saya berharap ibu bapa mendoakan panggilan anak-anak kamu untuk menyahut panggilan sebagai imamat, doakanlah anak-anak kamu”, kata Uskup Cornelius dengan penuh harapan.

Kehadiran umat dari Kota Padawan Kuching Sarawak yang memakai pakaian tradisi orang Ulu dan Bidayuh menwujudkan solidariti tanpa mengira jarak dan waktu.

Kesungguhan persiapan acara ini dilaksanakan oleh saudara Adrian @ Thirteen Sodoi merangkap pengerusi MPP dan kerjasama seluruh umat paroki St Patrick.

Suasana hujan tidak menghalang aturcara pentas untuk dilanjutkan, persembahan pentas tetap menarik perhatian umat sebagai sokongan dan kesyukuran.

Sumber: Catholic Sabah

Membakut, rai pentahbisan imamat Friar Nelson Sipalan OFM

Membakut, rai pentahbisan imamat Friar Nelson Sipalan OFM

MEMBAKUT: Akhirnya selepas 44 tahun setelah pentahbisan pertama di St Patrick Membakut pada tahun 1980, seorang pemuda ditahbis sebagai paderi Fransiskan (OFM) pada Ogos 11, 2024.

Akhirnya selepas 44 tahun setelah pentahbisan pertama di St Patrick Membakut pada tahun 1980, seorang pemuda ditahbis sebagai paderi Fransiskan (OFM) pada Ogos 11, 2024.

Lebih 1,500 orang dari Keuskupan Keningau, Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan dan Sarawak menyaksikan ritus pentahbisan imamat yang dipimpin oleh Uskup Cornelius Piong.

Friar William Nelson Evarinus Sipalan (OFM), 42, mengambil petikan Yesaya 6:8 sebagai tema pentahbisan: Setelah itu, ku dengar suara Tuhan berfirman, “Siapakah yang akan ku utus? Siapakah yang mahu pergi bagi kita” Maka kata ku, “Ini aku, utuslah aku!”.

Dalam ucapannya selepas ditahbis mengatakan, Friar Nelson mengatakan, “Saya telah mendengar panggilan Tuhan dan dengan hati yang terbuka, saya menjawab, “Here am I. Send me! Saya berdoa agar Tuhan terus memberi saya kekuatan dan kebijaksanaan dalam menjalankan tugas imamat ini dengan penuh kasih dan dedikasi.

Orang kuat sempena Misa Pentahbisan Imamat Friar Nelson, Fr Boniface Kimsin yang juga paderi paroki St Patrick, Membakut mengatakan, “pentahbisan imamat anak watan dari Kg Sinoko, Membakut pada hari ini merupakan sejarah kerana sudah 44 tahun tidak ada pentahbisan imamat di paroki ini.”

Friar Nelson ialah paderi ketiga di paroki ini. Meskipun Fr Saimon William merupakan paderi kedua dari Membakut namun pentahbisannya diadakan di Kota Kinabalu,” jelas Fr Boni yang juga berharap pentahbisan imamat Fr Nelson dapat mengobarkan semangat para belia agar berani menyahut panggilan Tuhan.

Friar Nelson dilahirkan pada Mac 8, 1982 oleh pasangan Evarinus Sipalan dan Stehphanis bte Binsin. Beliau merupakan anak keempat dari sembilan orang adik-beradik.

Sebelum menyertai Fransiskan, Friar Nelson bekerja dalam industri perhotelan selama 12 tahun di resort antarabangsa lima bintang.

Melalui inspirasi daripada karya rohani Sto Fransiskus dari Assisi, Friar Nelson terdorong untuk menyertai Ordo Friars Minor (OFM) sebagai postulan pada Januari 5, 2015 di St James the Marches Johor Bahru.

Selepas banyak berdoa, dalam tahun ketujuh beliau sebagai Fransiskan, Nelson memutuskan untuk menyerahkan hidupnya sebagai Friar Fransiskan dengan melafazkan kaul kekal pada Julai 9, 2022 di Gereja St Aloysius di Limbanak, Penampang.

Friar Nelson telah memimpin Misa Kudus pertamanya di St Philip, Kg Sinoko, Membakut.

Kini, Friar Nelson melayani sebagai pembantu paderi paroki di St Ann Kota Padawan, Kuching, Sarawak bermula Ogos 15, 2024 yang lalu.

Sumber: Herald Malaysia