Let’s Talk About Our Imminent Future

Let’s Talk About Our Imminent Future

Rising sea levels. Droughts. Floods. Disrupted food supply. The severity and urgency of climate change is upon us. Yet, do we see the need for change in our lifestyle, the way we produce and consume? Pope Francis, in his encyclical Laudato si‘, calls all of us to take “swift and unified global action”. But is Laudato si’ just about climate change and ecological issues? How about integral ecology? If we look deeper, “ultimately what kind of world do we want to leave behind, in terms of its general direction, its meaning and its values? We need to see that what is at stake is our own dignity.”

Join the speakers as they share their own personal experiences and the teachings of the Catholic Church on how we can change our imminent future – not just the climate, but the world we live in.

Friar Derrick Yap, Custos for the Custody of St Anthony (Malaysia–Singapore–Brunei)
Joseph Teo, Singapore’s Chief Negotiator for Climate Change, Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment
Wilson Ang, Founding President, Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)
Mark Tang, Caritas Board Member and Chair, Caritas Young Adults Committee

Dance Monkey – The Friars’ Jam

Dance Monkey

Join us in our new segment called The Friars’ Jam featuring many gifts of the friars in the Custody.

In this episode, we have Friar David Au, OFM dedicating a Franciscan rendition of Dance Monkey. Enjoy!

Holy Land Pontifical Collection

Collection “Pro Terra Sancta”

Send your donation :

1) By crossed cheque made payable to :

Holy Land Vice Commissariat

St. Anthony Friary, 5 Bukit Batok East Avenue 2, Singapore 659918

2) By bank transfer to :

Holy Land Vice Commissariat

(Standard Chartered Bank) SCB 07-0-830730-2

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Greetings of Peace and all Good!

During the holy seasons of Lent and Easter, many pilgrims will make their way to Holy Land. They will visit places where central events of our faith took place. However, this year, due to the Covid -19 pandemic, pilgrimages were cancelled and Holy Land became empty of pilgrims. Churches were also empty without the faithful during the lockdown as they had to stay at home. As these happened, Holy Land Franciscans prayed for all the people in the world who are suffering because of the pandemic and especially for our Christian brothers and sisters living in the Holy Land. They face more challenges in their livelihood as tourism and the economy have taken a downturn. 

So this year, the Pontifical Collection for Holy Land will be even more significant. Your support will help over 10,000 children in schools, senior citizens and provide homes and jobs for Christian families through a wide range of services. 

This year, the collection mandated by the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XV since October 4, 1918 and is taken up in every parish around the world on Good Friday was postponed to the Sunday nearest the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.  

 I am writing in the spirit of universal collaboration to appeal to you to give to the collection that traditionally was made on Good Friday in every part of the world for support of our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land on 13 September 2020.

This year’s Holy Land collection will be collected at all Masses on 13 September 2020 at all parishes. 

Not all of you will be able to attend mass on 13th September to give your donation. 

However, you can still send your donation 

1) By crossed cheque made payable to :

Holy Land Vice Commissariat

St. Anthony Friary, 5 Bukit Batok East Avenue 2, Singapore 659918

2) By bank transfer to :

Holy Land Vice Commissariat

(Standard Chartered Bank) SCB 07-0-830730-2

Yours fraternally in Christ Jesus,

Friar Justin Lim OFM

Vice-Commissariat of the Holy Land

For further enquiries, please reach us out at +65 65606362 (Singapore) or email to holyland.asia@gmail.com or justinlimofm2008@gmail.com.

To Revive the Memory of Our Christian Roots

Message from Br. Francesco Patton OFM –  The Custodian of the Holy Land

80 Sanctuaries : To Preserve the Memory and Modernize the History of Redemption

The Custody, through the Collect that is collected on Good Friday, guards the Places of salvation, supports the Christian presence and the living stones. “All of us are called to guard the Holy Land, protect it and feel it ours”.

A Video Sharing about Holy Land by Friar Justin Lim,OFM

A Call to all to Contribute towards the Collection for Holy Land 2020