Custos Connect : Finding Christmas

Dearest family and friends,

May the Lord give you peace!

As 2020 comes to a close, we give thanks for the year, for the blessings that God has given us and for the challenges that in the end have made us more creative and faithful to God.

In this episode, Friar Derrick shares with us the latest update taking place in the Custody. Tune in to find out more!

》Click Franciscan calendar to place your interest in our calendar.

》Click Devotion to St Anthony to send your prayer request.

Renungan Online Musim Advent (Advent Online Reflection) oleh Friars di Kuching, Sarawak.

Renungan Online Musim Advent (Advent Online Reflection) oleh Friars di Kuching, Sarawak.

Brought to you from St Francis of Assisi Friary, Kuching Sarawak.

Ikuti renungan online Musim Advent yang dipimpin oleh Friar Don Don dan David selama 4 minggu berturut-turut sebagai persiapan untuk menyambut Hari Natal. Renungan-renungan ini akan dilakukan dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Malaysia. Jom, marilah ikuti program ini utk merasai pengharapan, damai, sukacita dan cintakasih dlm Tuhan kita, Yesus Kristus!

Join the Advent Online reflections presented by Friars Don Don and David over the next 4 weeks, as preparation for Christmas Day. These reflections are conducted in English and BM. Be sure to join the friars as they delve the Scriptures for hope, peace, joy and love only found in Jesus Christ our Lord!

Franciscan Calendar 2021 Pre-order

Franciscan Calendar 2021 Pre-order

This beautiful 12-month calendar marries inspirational quotes from St Francis with the artwork of Friar Joseph Hoang OFM from Vietnam.

To help us cover the cost of printing and postage, and support our Franciscan life and mission,  we suggest a minimum contribution of SGD 15 per calendar.

To pre-order, please email:

Songs from The Fount of Love

Songs from The Fount of Love

Mystic Font, a local Catholic band debuts its album entitled ‘From The Start’. Their album features our very own Friar Derrick Yap, OFM on vocals and was commissioned as part of ABLE Singapore’s 10th-anniversary celebration. Read the CatholicNews.SG interview below to find out more about the band and how to purchase them! You can also find some music videos below featuring some of the songs from the album.


Below are some of the songs featured in the album ‘From the Start’ by Mystic Font.

Lean On Me – The Friars’ Jam

Hello everyone!

In today’s episode, Friar Nelson Evarinus, OFM together with our postulant, Timothy Fong, would like to dedicate this song to all of you out there.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all of us are now subject to some form of change and each one of us is dealing with it in different ways. 

These adjustments have caused a variety of reactions, from panic to fear and anxiety.

All of us have to come to terms that we live in a world of uncertainty and change. 

It’s our prayer that each of one of you will continue to experience God’s help in all your adversities. May the Lord be with us and grant us his peace and serenity.

Bring Him Home – The Friars’ Jam

“God on high, hear my prayer. In my need, you have always been there…”

“Bring Him Home” is a song from the popular Broadway musical a Les Misérables, which is performed by the main character, Jean Valjean.

This song has become an anthem for people around the world and helps provide comfort for those in need. Many have adopted the song as a personal prayer for their loved ones who serve in the armed forces, missions, or are otherwise apart from their families.

As we dedicate this song to you, it is our prayer that you’ll find peace and goodness during this time of difficulties.