Two Friars Making their Solemn Profession

Friar Cosmas Francis and Friar Gerald Terence will make their Solemn Profession of Religious Vows at the Church of St Mary of the Angels on April 16.

They share what making their Solemn Profession of Vows, after years of discernment and formation, means to them, and their hopes for the future.


What does your Solemn Profession of Vows mean to you?

Gerald: My Solemn Profession of Vows is truly my heartfelt response to God. “My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready.” It reminds me of the gift of my life and the giving of my heart. And this Solemn Profession of Vows is my daily invitation to die to myself, to take up the cross and to follow Christ.

Cosmas: Solemn Profession for me is a sign and an expression of my love for God who first loved me for what I am. I want to give over my life completely into the mysterious work of God through the identity of the Franciscan, and for the church.

What do you hope to achieve in the long term as a friar?

Gerald: I hope that I will continue to embrace my true self, my shadow, my struggles, and know that by the grace of God and the support and unconditional love from all of you, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). I will breathe in my courage and exhale my fear.

Cosmas:I have experienced many times the mercy and love of God in my shortcomings and weaknesses. I hope that I can express this love of God through deeds and words for the good of all. I encourage everyone to never get tired of getting closer to God despite the obstacles and challenges in daily life.


The taking of solemn vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in the Franciscan way of life marks the beginning of full, lifelong membership in the Order of Friars Minor. After Solemn Profession, friars seeking ministerial priesthood prepare themselves for the Sacrament of Ordination to Diaconate followed by Priesthood. Friars who seek to remain as lay brothers engage themselves in ministries for which they are gifted and trained to serve the Church and the World.

Do join in the Solemn Profession Mass celebration of Friars Cosmas and Gerald via our YouTube channel on:

Jerusalema Dance – The Friars’ Jam

The Lord is Risen, Alleluia!!!

The Good News of His Resurrection has us jumping for joy!!! How else can we express our happiness and exuberance at Easter but to share some ‘moves’ with you? Come and join us in celebrating this glorious day!

Happy and blessed Easter to all! ❤️‍?


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2021 Liturgy of the Hours (Lauds)

The Liturgy of the Hours are a set of prayers that mark and sanctify the passing of the day starting with Lauds at dawn to Compline at night. Together with the mass, they form the public prayer of the church and are the basis of prayer for religious orders such as the Franciscan Friars.

During Holy Week, and especially during the Triduum from Maundy Thursday to Holy Saturday, these prayers become an intense response to God’s love for us and His offer of salvation.

This Holy Week, we invite you to join us for Lauds via our social media platform (Franciscan Friars Youtube, Facebook and IGTV). We will be premiering just before 6 am from 29th March to 3rd April. Not to worry if 6 am is too early. The video of the morning prayer will be made available on our social media platform so you can follow the prayer when you get up. We encourage you to begin each day with Lauds this Holy Week.

Together, let us respond to God’s salvation and sanctify the world with our intercessions and our faith.

Peace and all good.

Introduction to the Liturgy of the Hours by Friar Clifford Augustine, OFM

Passion of Christ – The Friars’ Jam

Join us in our Friars’ Jam: Holy Week edition with Friar Derrick and Jacob Teo. As we accompany our Saviour with palms and praises to the Holy City, as He enters to meet His painful destiny, may we follow Him faithfully to the end.

Song Title: Passion of Christ

Words & Music : Ethan Hsu

Singer : Friar Derrick Yap,OFM

Guitar : Jacob Teo

Renungan Pra-paskah (Online Lenten Reflection) oleh Friars di Kuching, Sarawak.

Renungan Pra-paskah (Online Lenten Reflection) oleh Friars di Kuching, Sarawak.

Brought to you from St Francis of Assisi Friary, Kuching Sarawak.

Ikuti renungan online Musim Pra-Paskah yang dipimpin oleh Friar Don Don dan David selama lima minggu berturut-turut sebagai persiapan untuk menyambut Hari Paskah. Renungan-renungan ini akan dilakukan dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Malaysia. Semoga iman dan pengharapan kita diteguhkan, lebih-lebih lagi bila kita sudah lama tidak bersua di gereja.

Join the online Lenten reflections presented by Friars Don Don and David over the next 5 weeks, as preparation for the celebrate Easter. These reflections are conducted in English and BM. May our faith and hope are strengthened, especially during these challenging times.