Religious Superiors discuss struggles and challenges at annual meet

Religious Superiors discuss struggles and challenges at annual meet

Seventeen Religious Major Superiors and delegates of the different congregations gathered at George Adventure Base, near Mt Kinabalu, August 10-17, for their second gathering for 2023.

The 17 Major Superiors at George Adventure Base, Sabah.

The Conference of Religious Major Superiors (CRMS) of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei is a canonically instituted association where Religious Superiors work towards greater collaboration with one another and also to “establish appropriate coordination and cooperation with the conference of bishops and also with individual bishops” (CIC 708).

For the past few meetings, CRMS president Friar Derrick Yap, OFM, focussed on the group’s attention and efforts regarding the Safeguarding and Protection of Minor and Vulnerable Persons. There is a two-prong approach to safeguarding: (1) the reactive approach is taken when there is a complaint of abuse, and (2) the proactive approach is adopted to promote mental and spiritual well-being and thus is a preventive strategy against any form of abuse happening in the first place.

This round of formation sessions were targeted on the proactive preventive approach. Dr Joachim Lee, a psychotherapist, was invited to inform and introduce the group to the latest research in Brain Science and Psychology. Under the guidance and sharing of Dr Joachim, the group experienced a powerful message to be open and recognise “The Wisdom of Trauma”, which is the title of a documentary the superiors watched before the input session.

The group learnt that dysfunctional behaviours and addictions are often trauma-based. It was with this awareness that Dr Joachim helped trace the journey in discovering a good enough authentic self, involving the brain, psychology and ourselves. Other topics covered included the mental health continuum, causes of anxiety disorder, stress, burnout and depression. These topics were contextualised within the life of a Religious and community living, and there was plenty of material to further our reflection on.

With such awareness of the struggles within religious living, this group of religious leaders found themselves confronted with this challenging reality and how to journey and accompany the Religious men and women under their care. The call to personal conversion and deep compassion rang in our hearts as we felt the continuous call to follow Christ more closely as servant-leaders and authentic Religious.

The second part of the gathering consisted of the official meeting. The Religious Superiors shared the latest updates in their respective congregations. They also had a brief Zoom session with Friar David Leary, OFM, reflecting on and studying issues and policies surrounding the protection of minors and vulnerable persons, which is focussed on the reactive approach.

This August meeting was also an opportune moment for feedback regarding the Malaysian Religious Assembly held in June; they have decided to carry on the good works and conversations that have taken place, and to keep it up-to-date for the Malaysian Pastoral Convention in 2026.

Finally, the superiors had open and free conversations in small groups about matters affecting our congregations in this part of our world. There was some alignment among the small groups revolving around issues of greater collaboration in the areas of ministries and formation; sharing and optimisation of human and land resources; care plans for aging and infirmed religious.

Being in Sabah and accompanied by the hospitality of the Sabahan Religious brothers and sisters, especially through Capuchin Friar Valentine Gompok’s arrangement, we spent our last day together visiting the interesting shrines and sites in Ranau, namely the Church of St Peter Claver (Ranau) and Puncak Kasih Bonda. They had us soaking our feet twice in a day, once in the river where beautiful fish swam close, and in the afternoon, at the Poring Hot Springs. It was truly a time of laughter, friendship and enjoyment of nature.

Taking time for relaxation and appreciating the gifts of God in these places provided us with a more holistic experience as men and women called by God to build God’s kingdom of love.

At the end of our time together, the 17 superiors returned to their communities refreshed and recharged with greater zeal for mission in the world, in and through advancing a more effective and authentic community living


Interfaith Dialogue & Screening on Ecology: Bringing Together Diverse Belief for a Greener Tomorrow

Interfaith Dialogue & Screening on Ecology: Bringing Together Diverse Belief for a Greener Tomorrow

Friar Cosmas Francis OFM (Custody JPIC Animator) participated in a forum on how different faiths understand and care for creation from their faith perspective in conjunction with the Season of Creation 2023.

Faith leaders gathered at the Penang Harmony Centre for an Interfaith and Ecology forum themed Bringing Together Diverse Beliefs for a Greener Tomorrow September 3. The forum was jointly organised by Penang Harmony Corporation (HARMONICO) and the Creation Justice Commission, the Diocese of Penang.

Sukhindarpal Singh, director of Harmonico welcomed everyone for an insightful understanding of Interfaith and Ecology and detailed Harmonico’s vision, mission and programmes. Arokiadass Anthonysamy explained that the Creation Justice Commission of the Catholic Church is following the call of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ in protecting our common global home, organising green workshops, eco exhibitions and community clean-up activities.

The faith panel included Kalpa Vrksha Das, International (Society for Krishna Consciousness), Sukhindarpal Singh (Malaysia Gurdwara Council), Kenneth Lee Tze (Federation Taoist Association Malaysia), Friar Cosmas Francis OFM (Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei), Loo Bong Seng (Malaysian Buddhist Association and Malaysian Buddhist Institute), Prof Zainal Alimuddin (Pertubuhan Ikram Malaysia Caw. Penang) and Renuka Radakhrishnan (Penang Green Council).

Friar Cosmas gave the Catholic perspective when he related that the Book of Genesis gives an overview of God’s creation, where all humanity has been charged with stewardship of the natural world.

Faith leaders then related that spiritual knowledge is imperative to being in harmony with nature. We must endeavour to close the gap in the inequalities between rich and poor, and to encourage moderation in daily living. Happiness should not be pursued as an end to itself but will always follow the blessings of work in faith and love. Efforts are also being made on the micro level to instil sustainable actions like the 3R’s of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, having recycling stations at religious festivals, instilling the habit of waste not, having eco-friendly religious materials and educating sustainable living.

Moderator Magdalene Chiang summed up the forum’s deliberation in that we are all one human race, we have one Mother Earth as our common home, and we are one in love with the environment.

However, the panellist also expressed concern that citizens are not taking the ecological crisis seriously. E-hailing food services cause more plastic waste and food waste! We all have a duty to protect the earth from the corruption of deforestation and over-development. We should not take Mother Earth for granted. We must harmonise our lives with the environment for if the earth suffers, we humankind are at fault. Statistics are frightening where according to the UN 2023 SDG Summit, the global temperature has already risen 1.1ºC above pre-industrial level, and by 2030 an estimated 700 million people will be at risk of displacement by drought alone. Friar Cosmas solemnly declared that our actions will result in the effect for ‘we will reap what we sow’.

Pope Francis encyclical, Laudato Si’ Praise Be — has the subtitle “on care for our common home”. We all call our planet Mother Earth because of its nurturing nature and, like a mother, she embraces, sustains, and governs us. The encyclical relates to the cry of the earth together with the cry of the poor and downtrodden when facing the ecological sins of wasteful consumerism, the throwaway culture, irresponsible development, environmental degradation, pollution, loss of biodiversity, and global warming. Creation must come with Justice because climate change is an issue of justice where in times of natural disasters, famines, droughts, and floods, the poor are faced with even greater poverty as their sustenance and livelihood are affected.

The forum ended with the presentation of terrarium glass containers that mimic the earth’s eco-system to the panellist and Paul Au, GM of Harmonico. All participants also received an eco-friendly food grade silicon collapsible coffee cup.

The forum ended with the movie The Letter: A Message for our Earth telling the story of a journey of leaders to Rome to discuss the encyclical letter Laudato Si’ with Pope Francis.

Source: We will reap what we sow (

Five in one celebration in Limbahau parish

Five in one celebration in Limbahau parish

Eight hundred parishioners from Holy Rosary, Limbahau, along with the faithful from other parishes within the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, came together to commemorate the anniversaries of four priests.

From left Fr Elvost Lunchi MHM, Fr Terans Thaddeus, Friar Gerald Saimel, Fr Lasius Gantis and Fr Arul S Mariadass.

LIMBAHAU, Papar: Eight hundred parishioners from Holy Rosary, Limbahau, along with the faithful from other parishes within the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, came together to commemorate the anniversaries of four priests. Friar Gerald Terence Saimel OFM, Fr Terans Thadeus and Fr Lasius Gantis marked the first anniversary of their ordination. Friar Arul S Mariadass OFM, from Penang, who is now serving in Papar and Limbahau parishes, celebrated the 26th anniversary of his ordination.

The occasion was also a thanksgiving celebration for Fr Elvost Lunchi MHM who was ordained on July 22 at the same church.

The five-in-one celebration was presided over by Friar Gerald. Also present were Holy Rosary’s parish priest, Msgr Nicholas Stephen, Fr Slyvester Wong, Fr Joshua Liew and Fr Aloysius Fidelis.

Fr Elvost, in his homily, focused on God’s love. He said God’s love is perfect, He loves us unconditionally and His love is self-sacrificing. He gave His Son, His one and only Son so no one needs be destroyed; by believing in Him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. (John 3:16)

In his thanksgiving address, Fr Terans conveyed his appreciation to all who had taken the trouble to organise the event and thanked the Lord for the gift of priesthood bestowed upon the five of them.

“When I reflect on my first year as a priest, I did not realise one year had passed so quickly. It felt just like yesterday that I was ordained a priest. Your continuous prayers, support and friendship strengthens me in my service.”

At the end of the Mass, Msgr Nicholas conveyed his gratitude to all the parishioners who pray, support, encourage and honour their priests. He noted that the presence of the parishioners for that fellowship as a big and united family is a reflection of a Christian community without barriers of language, race or custom.

A fellowship was held at the Fr Amandus Augustine Hall where Fr Joshua’s birthday was also celebrated.

Source : Five in one celebration in Limbahau parish (

Five in one celebration in Limbahau parish

Empat paderi sambut ulang tahun pentahbisan serentak

LIMBAHAU: “Merayakan ulang tahun pentahbisan empat paderi dan upacara kesyukuran seorang paderi yang baharu ditahbis menandakan keindahan Ekaristi.”

“Melalui Ekaristi, kita diingatkan bahawa Tuhan itu sudah bangkit dan Dia bersama-sama dengan kita. Oleh itu, dengan tertahbisnya seorang paderi, ini bermakna kita akan sentiasa bersatu dengan Tuhan dan sesama melalui Ekaristi,” demikian kata Fr Terans Thadeus, salah seorang paderi yang merayakan ulang tahun kepaderian kali pertama, pada Julai 31, di Gereja Holy Rosary, Limbahau, Papar.

Fr Terans yang ditahbis pada Julai 16, 2022 merayakan ulang tahun imamat pertama bersama tiga lagi rakan paderinya iaitu Fr Lasius Gantis (Ogos 4, 2022) dan Friar Gerard Terence Saimel OFM (Julai 2, 2022) yang masing-masing menyambut ulang tahun pentahbisan pertama serta ulang tahun kepaderian Friar Arul S Mariadass OFM yang ke-26 tahun. Friar Arul ditahbis pada Julai 18, 1997.

Turut diraikan pada hari itu ialah kesyukuran sempena pentahbisan Fr Elvost Lunchi MHM yang ditahbis pada Julai 22, 2023 di Gereja yang sama.

Perayaan Ekaristi lima dalam satu ini dipimpin oleh Fr Gerard OFM yang turut dihadiri oleh Msgr Nicholas Stephen, Fr Slyvester Wong, Fr Joshua Liew dan Fr Aloysius Fidelis.

Lima paderi (dari kiri Fr Elvost, Fr Terans, Friar Gerard, Fr Lasius dan Friar Arul) yang diraikan pada Julai 31, 2023 sedang merayakan Ekaristi bersama.

Homili disampaikan oleh Fr Elvost MHM yang “bagaimana mengasihi? Apakah itu kasih. Saya menyayangi ibu bapa dan orang-orang sekeliling tetapi tetap ada pertelingkahan dan perselisihan.

Oleh itu, Fr Elvost menumpukan kasih Tuhan yang sangat unggul. Kasih manusia terhadap Tuhan belum sempurna. Kerana kita semua adalah penziarah yang sedang menuju jalan kekudusan.

“Mari kita fokus kepada kasih Tuhan, kita tidak dapat berpisah dengan Seorang yang sangat mencintai kita, yang turun ke dunia untuk menjadi manusia dalam segala aspek seperti kita kecuali dosa, mengalami segala penderitaan dan sengsara sehinggalah wafat di kayu Salib. Ini adalah kasih Tuhan sehingga sanggup memberikan nyawa.”

“Kasih-Nya tidak berakhir di kayu Salib, tetapi bangkit dan hidup bersama kita hingga akhir hayat.” Selepas Misa Kudus, para paderi dan umat beredar ke Dewan Fr Augustine Amandus untuk acara makan bersama dan meraikan ulang tahun kelahiran Fr Joshua Liew.

Sumber: Empat paderi sambut ulang tahun pentahbisan serentak (

Pelayanan pastoral untuk orang-orang pekak tidak boleh diabaikan

Pelayanan pastoral untuk orang-orang pekak tidak boleh diabaikan

GENTING HIGHLANDS: Seorang paderi Ordo Suci Sto Fransiskus dari Singapura telah datang ke Malaysia untuk memimpin retret bagi para Pelayanan Katolik untuk Orang Pekak (CMfD).

Fr Rowland Yeo Teck Heng, merupakan paderi Katolik pertama di Asia Tenggara yang melayani Pelayanan Katolik untuk orang-orang pekak di seluruh benua.

Seorang paderi Ordo Suci Sto Fransiskus dari Singapura telah datang ke Malaysia untuk memimpin retret bagi para Pelayanan Katolik untuk Orang Pekak (CMfD).

Beliau berbicara tentang ajaran-ajaran teologi yang dibahagikan dalam beberapa sesi tentang Berkat dan Sakramen-sakramen, Wabak, Perjamuan Malam Terakhir, Musa dan Yesus, Roti Kehidupan dan sebagainya.

Paderi itu berpesan kepada ahli-ahli CMfD agar saling mendoakan antara satu dengan yang lain, menyokong ahli-ahli sepelayanan demi kebaikan dan kesejahteraan bersama lebih-lebih lagi bagi golongan Katolik yang bermasalah pendengaran.

Melalui topik-topik yang di-sampaikan, para peserta memperdalamkan pengetahuan mereka bahawa iman Katolik telah memainkan peranan penting dalam sejarah manusia khususnya dalam bidang pendidikan, kesihatan dan sosial.

Fr Rowland juga menyatakan harapannya agar semakin ramai paderi yang menyedari keperluan rohani orang-orang pekak.

Katanya, pada masa ini, amat diperlukan para paderi yang tahu berbahasa isyarat agar golongan kurang pendengaran boleh mengikuti Misa Kudus dan melakukan Sakramen Pengakuan.

Retret pada hujung minggu itu telah membawa kebangkitan dan kesegaran iman di kalangan CMfD serta memperbaharui keinginan untuk meneruskan pelayanan untuk golongan pekak.

Sumber: Pelayanan pastoral untuk orang-orang pekak tidak boleh diabaikan (