Eight young men chose to chill out with the Franciscan Friars at the St Peter of Alcantara Friary in Penang on 11 September 2023.
The “Lepak with the Friars” evening was an opportunity for them to get a glimpse of life as a friar, and explore the possibilities for a deeper discernment for their calling in life.
The evening began with Vespers (Evening Prayer) and looking back on the day with a sense of gratefulness. This was followed by a hearty dinner of hot and spicy ayam penyet sambal ijo rice complemented by a refreshing passion fruit drink prepared by Postulant Master Friar Cosmas and Jonathan, the Postulant (first-year student).
After the warm fellowship at dinner, the guests were given an introduction to the Order of Friars Minor and, in particular, its presence in Malaysia and Singapore i.e. our Custody. They were very interested to hear about the various communities and ministries we have in Kota Kinabalu (Sabah), Kuching (Sarawak), Masai (Johor), Penang and Singapore. We also shared a video in which various friars in our Custody of St Anthony shared their aspirations and dreams for the Custody. This offered the attendees a glimpse into our commitment to serving God and His people in the footsteps of St Francis of Assisi in Malaysia and Singapore.
The evening’s programme included a brief presentation on the Franciscan family tree, explaining the relationship between the three Orders – the First Order (Friars Minor), the Second Order (Poor Clares), and the Third Order (Secular and Regular).
The evening concluded with Compline (Night Prayer) as we came together in prayer before the end of the day.
More “Lepak with the Friars” evenings are planned so look out for the announcements in our social media channels. In addition, if you would like to have a conversation with regard to your discernment, or are wanting to ask and understand more about the Franciscan (OFM) vocation, do send an email to ofm.vocation.mysg@gmail.com.
From 11 to 13 September 2023, the superiors of the seven communities of friars in Malaysia and Singapore gathered for the Custody of St Anthony’s first Guardians Training.
Over the three days, using resources from the Roman Curia, the Guardians (Community Superiors) enhanced the skills and knowledge they need to be effective in their role.
The recently appointed Guardians – Friars Aiden Peter, Michael Goh, Joseph Lee, Francisco Basnayake, Esmond Chua, Arul Sagayaraj and Moses Yap – were accompanied by Custos Friar Derrick Yap and Ongoing Formation Animator Friar Vernon Chua.
Friar Vernon told them, “The role of the Guardian is a privileged opportunity to serve, knowing that at some point of our religious life, others get to do likewise for us. Not only is the understanding of the requirements of a guardian important but also the relational and exemplary aspect.”
According to the OFM Handbook for Guardians, the role of Guardian is complex and involves a variety of issues, requiring competence in areas such as spiritual matters, juridical matters, fraternal matters, animation and formation matters, financial matters, administrative matters, and pastoral matters.
All were grateful for the opportunity to come together and experience fraternal living, reaffirming the profound sense of brotherhood and responsibility that binds the Guardians.
For Friar Aiden, “the sessions were a sacred space where we could openly share our thoughts and struggles, knowing that we have each other’s unwavering support. It’s evident that the Guardians play a pivotal role in shaping our fraternal life, aiding the Custody leadership in its mission to form and strengthen our fraternal bonds.”
And Friar Michael shared, “The Franciscan understanding and approach towards leadership at the local level adds a feminine dimension to the role of Guardian – a mother who protects and nourishes. Yet ‘mothers’ need support, and our gathering of Guardians provides this. As the Rule for Hermitages 8, says ‘Those brothers who are mothers should protect their sons from everyone’.”
Recognising the importance of togetherness within the Franciscan community, the group took the time to visit with the friars in the St Peter Alcantara Friary.
It is hoped that formation sessions for Guardians will be held once a year to continue fostering collective responsibility, self-care, and the art of leadership among them, echoing the timeless message of St Francis in their devotion to spiritual growth and fraternal unity.
“Why did God become man?” This soul-searching question has occupied the hearts of many Christians through the ages, including saints such as Francis of Assisi.
God taking human flesh – the incarnation (carne = flesh)
– is a mystery calling us to deeper reflection, to plumb deeper into this mysterious love that God is and has for his creation, so much so that God the Creator becomes created. Blessed John Duns Scotus, a renowned Franciscan theologian, sees this humble movement of God as perfecting creation; that creation becomes new because with the Risen Christ whose body is now glorified, creation is glorified and renewed.
All this insight can be drawn from the night of Christmas Eve 1223, 800 years ago, when Francis enacted the Nativity Scene in the little town of Greccio, Italy. He had found that hearts were cold and people had forgotten the reason God had become man, and he desired to recreate in the manger of people’s hearts a space to embrace the Christ Child. God became a child so that we dare to go near to God, to hold, to play, to enjoy the presence of God. God is not far away; he is very near and that is why he became incarnate at the first Christmas.
This year (2023), the Franciscan family begins our Franciscan Centenary celebrations with the celebration of the event at Greccio and the approval of the Later Rule. Our Rule exhorts us friars to be near to God’s people, to continue to incarnate God’s humble love for all, to be missionaries of peace and brotherhood. To share our Rule with you, our Franciscan Calendar 2024 features our various ministries and missions in Singapore and Malaysia with captions from the Rule and various writings of Francis and about Francis.
Francis and Clare embraced poverty because they trusted in God’s providence through their many benefactors. We modern Franciscans continue to embrace this spirit of poverty trusting that when God calls, God provides, through the many discerning and generous hearts. Please pray for our missions and for us to be willing to go where God sends us.
With joy and thanksgiving to God, The Order of Friars Minor Custody of St. Anthony (Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei) warmly invites you to celebrate the ordination to the Order of Diaconate of Friar Nelson Evarinus Sipalan, OFM on the 14th January 2024, 6pm at St. Ann Church Kota Padawan, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.