Membakut, rai pentahbisan imamat Friar Nelson Sipalan OFM

Membakut, rai pentahbisan imamat Friar Nelson Sipalan OFM

MEMBAKUT: Akhirnya selepas 44 tahun setelah pentahbisan pertama di St Patrick Membakut pada tahun 1980, seorang pemuda ditahbis sebagai paderi Fransiskan (OFM) pada Ogos 11, 2024.

Akhirnya selepas 44 tahun setelah pentahbisan pertama di St Patrick Membakut pada tahun 1980, seorang pemuda ditahbis sebagai paderi Fransiskan (OFM) pada Ogos 11, 2024.

Lebih 1,500 orang dari Keuskupan Keningau, Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan dan Sarawak menyaksikan ritus pentahbisan imamat yang dipimpin oleh Uskup Cornelius Piong.

Friar William Nelson Evarinus Sipalan (OFM), 42, mengambil petikan Yesaya 6:8 sebagai tema pentahbisan: Setelah itu, ku dengar suara Tuhan berfirman, “Siapakah yang akan ku utus? Siapakah yang mahu pergi bagi kita” Maka kata ku, “Ini aku, utuslah aku!”.

Dalam ucapannya selepas ditahbis mengatakan, Friar Nelson mengatakan, “Saya telah mendengar panggilan Tuhan dan dengan hati yang terbuka, saya menjawab, “Here am I. Send me! Saya berdoa agar Tuhan terus memberi saya kekuatan dan kebijaksanaan dalam menjalankan tugas imamat ini dengan penuh kasih dan dedikasi.

Orang kuat sempena Misa Pentahbisan Imamat Friar Nelson, Fr Boniface Kimsin yang juga paderi paroki St Patrick, Membakut mengatakan, “pentahbisan imamat anak watan dari Kg Sinoko, Membakut pada hari ini merupakan sejarah kerana sudah 44 tahun tidak ada pentahbisan imamat di paroki ini.”

Friar Nelson ialah paderi ketiga di paroki ini. Meskipun Fr Saimon William merupakan paderi kedua dari Membakut namun pentahbisannya diadakan di Kota Kinabalu,” jelas Fr Boni yang juga berharap pentahbisan imamat Fr Nelson dapat mengobarkan semangat para belia agar berani menyahut panggilan Tuhan.

Friar Nelson dilahirkan pada Mac 8, 1982 oleh pasangan Evarinus Sipalan dan Stehphanis bte Binsin. Beliau merupakan anak keempat dari sembilan orang adik-beradik.

Sebelum menyertai Fransiskan, Friar Nelson bekerja dalam industri perhotelan selama 12 tahun di resort antarabangsa lima bintang.

Melalui inspirasi daripada karya rohani Sto Fransiskus dari Assisi, Friar Nelson terdorong untuk menyertai Ordo Friars Minor (OFM) sebagai postulan pada Januari 5, 2015 di St James the Marches Johor Bahru.

Selepas banyak berdoa, dalam tahun ketujuh beliau sebagai Fransiskan, Nelson memutuskan untuk menyerahkan hidupnya sebagai Friar Fransiskan dengan melafazkan kaul kekal pada Julai 9, 2022 di Gereja St Aloysius di Limbanak, Penampang.

Friar Nelson telah memimpin Misa Kudus pertamanya di St Philip, Kg Sinoko, Membakut.

Kini, Friar Nelson melayani sebagai pembantu paderi paroki di St Ann Kota Padawan, Kuching, Sarawak bermula Ogos 15, 2024 yang lalu.

Sumber: Herald Malaysia

Finding my true vocation

Finding my true vocation

My name is Friar Gerald Tan OFM, and I am one of a handful of lay friars in the Franciscan order in Singapore.

In 2020, the year I made my solemn profession of religious vows, I discerned that the Lord was not calling me to the priestly ministry – in other words, not to become an ordained friar – at least, in this foreseeable season in my life as a fully-fledged Franciscan friar.

Choosing the path of becoming a non-ordained religious – what we call a lay friar or Franciscan brother – came to me as a surprise. It was as though the Lord threw a spanner in the works!

Earlier on my discernment journey, although I had been aware of the option of not moving into the ordained state in religious life, I did not understand why anyone would make such a decision and miss out on the “full package” of being ordained.

Being ordained a priest always seemed to be the default choice, since those who are not ordained undertake the same duration of seminary studies as those on the path to ordination.

Others felt it was a waste not to go “all the way”. At first, I believed this too, thinking ordination was the only option. I also feared that if I did not get ordained, I would be seen as lousier, lesser, or in the Singapore lingo, “CMI” (cannot make it).

But closer to my solemn profession, I realised that these “scripts” and socio-cultural beliefs were not at the core of my discernment. This was not about missing out, but instead, about a deep and personal call from the Lord Jesus, and through deeply knowing myself in responding to that call.

Later on, in my journey of formation and discernment, I realised that becoming a priest was just one of the expressions of ministry to God’s people as a Franciscan friar, as there are many other ways that a religious can be called to serve God’s people based on their personal gifts, talents, qualifications, and the needs of the community.

One key question I asked myself during my discernment was, “Do I have the stirring and desire to administer the sacraments?” To be honest, I did not.

I did, however, feel a growing desire to accompany and journey with others through their faith and personal struggles, especially through spiritual direction and other forms of individual and group accompaniment.

This desire to be available to others led me to minister to God’s people, without being an ordained minister of the Church, in four ways.

The first was through being formally trained in the ministry of spiritual direction, which I undertook in 2022. I regularly meet young adults for monthly spiritual direction sessions, and also direct individuals in their personal or silent retreats.

Secondly, I was appointed the local vocation director for the Franciscan Friars in Singapore. This allows me to journey with young men and to help them listen to and discern God’s will and vocational call for them, be it to the Franciscan order, or otherwise.

Thirdly, my theological and spiritual direction training allowed the Lord to use me to journey with young Catholic couples preparing for marriage within the Church.

Finally, a unique way for me to minister to others was through hairstyling, after taking up haircutting courses for men and women.

The Lord inspired me to do this through a YouTube video documenting the ministry of a Friar-barber in America.

Applying this in the local context, I was able to merge the aspect of spiritual direction with the bond between hairstylist and regular patron.

This helped me to bring God into the everyday life of His people, providing a safe space and time for them to share whatever they wanted with me, while getting a nice haircut in the process!

Source: Catholic News

Experiencing the truth of “the joy of the Lord is my strength”

Experiencing the truth of “the joy of the Lord is my strength”

Jonathan Ng, one of two postulants in the Custody of St Anthony (Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei), spent the first three weeks in June on a mission trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He shares his experience with us.

My mission trip in Kuala Lumpur from 1 to 21 June was working and living with refugees from Myanmar. I was assigned to two missions – a Catholic refugee learning centre and a refugee-focused clinic.

For most of the mission trip, I was attached to the refugee learning centre, which provides education to refugee children from nursery to primary five level. Most of the children were from Myanmar.

During my first week, many teachers fell sick with the flu, and I was “activated” to take over classes at various levels and made the stand-in form teacher for the Primary Five class. This was very much out of my comfort zone, as there was a language barrier. However, the children and I did our best to communicate, and the students shared freely and vulnerably about their struggles with their studies and their plight as refugees.

When they shared about their lives, at times there were frowns and sadness, but when they spoke about being in the school and being free from the challenges they face back home, smiles came quickly to their faces. I see this as gladness and joy that only God grants. 

In the last week of my mission trip, I was attached to the ACTS clinic. Refugees of all nationalities are welcome there, but most of the patients are refugees from Myanmar. The clinic offers a flat rate to patients for consultation and medication.

Following Dr Caroline Gunn from ACTS clinic, I heard the stories of some of the patients –the challenges they faced in moving to Malaysia, and how they are coping.

Reflecting on my mission trip, I remember especially the time I spent living and working with the teachers at the refugee learning centre. They truly have the biggest hearts caring for the students, and unbeknownst to them, they have shown me God’s love.

Nehemiah 8:10 says “… do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength”.  It was there, being with them that the truth of “the joy of the Lord is my strength” was made so tangible. Despite their circumstances, the faces of these refugees, both young and old, were constantly lit with joy. This experience and the people that God has allowed me to meet will stay ever so close to my heart and prayers.

Recollection for Friars ‘Under 5’

Recollection for Friars ‘Under 5’

A small group of young Franciscan Friars from the Custody of St Anthony (Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei) began 2024 in Danang, Vietnam.

Except for Custos Friar Derrick Yap, who guided the recollection, all of them are in their first five years of Solemn Profession or Ordination. This is one of the most volatile periods in Religious Life, when statistically most breakdowns happen. Hence this “Under 5” effort to accompany more closely Solemnly Professed “young friars” who are “under 5”.

There are seven Solemnly Professed friars “under 5” – two in Singapore, one in Johor Bahru, three in Penang and one in Sabah. Five of these seven went to Vietnam.

The five days (1-5 January) had a good balance of prayer, formation and fellowship. It was also an opportunity to experience the sights and sounds of Vietnam, as well as the local cuisine.

Friar Derrick used “Clowning in Rome”, which is a compilation of Henri Nouwen’s addresses to Religious Men and Women in Rome, to set the framework for the recollection.

In line with the Order’s desire for friars to be ‘Contemplative Fraternities in Mission’, the five young friars delved into the chapter on “Contemplation and Caring”. In the recollection, they were invited to recognise how their life of prayer is deeply connected to their life in ministry. Especially being young friars, there can arise a very real temptation and expectation to work and minister, and give more of themselves, at the expense of their prayer life and spending time in contemplation.

As Nouwen said in “Clowning in Rome”: “To contemplate is to see, and to minister is to make visible, the contemplative life is a life with a vision, and the life of caring for others is a life revealing the vision to others.”

Striking this balance of prayer and ministry, or “contemplation and caring” as the recollection material called it, has been a real challenge, as the friars shared vulnerably. Guided to re-centre themselves in the Lord in contemplation once again, the friars returned from this recollection renewed in their vocation, ministry and relationship with the Lord, as well as in fraternal love and support for one another.

“This recollection together with my batch mates in fraternity really helped me to begin the year on a right footing of prayer and fraternity. Now that all of us are in full-time ministry, more so we need to recognize that a solid prayer life is foundational in enabling us to minister effectively,” said Friar Gerald Tan

Ordination to the Order of Diaconate of Friar Nelson Evarinus Sipalan, OFM

Ordination to the Order of Diaconate of Friar Nelson Evarinus Sipalan, OFM

KOTA PADAWAN — All glory to God for another moment in history at St Ann’s Parish, Kota Padawan as we have a newly ordained deacon for the Minister of the Word. Friar Nelson Evarinus Sipalan OFM was called to the Order of Deacons by Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh on 14 January 2024.

The Mass began at 6.00 pm with a traditional dance from the Bidayuh Community of Kampung Seratau at the entrance of the Church. The ordination Mass was also live-streamed via the YouTube and Facebook social media platforms of St Ann’s Church.

The main celebrant of the Holy Mass was Archbishop Simon Poh, and concelebrating with him were Friar Don Don Ramerez OFM (Rector), Friar Derrick Yap OFM (Custos), Friar David Au OFM, Friar Esmond Chua OFM, Friar Gerard Victor OFM, Friar Cosmas Francis OFM, Friar Rowland Yeo OFM, Friar Aiden Peter OFM, Friar Cruzander Alex OFM, Friar Joseph Nasanathan OFM, Friar Crispus Mosinoh OFM, Friar Sixtus Pitah OFM, Fr Stanley Goh SJ, Fr Galvin Ngumbang, Fr Nicholas Ng, and Fr Mark Bonchol.

Friar Nelson is a Sabahan who joined the Franciscan Friars of St Anthony Custody for Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei. He started his pastoral work in St Ann’s Church for a year in 2017 as part of his formation and since then, it has always been part of his heart.

The Church was filled with St Ann’s parishioners and guests from Sabah, Johor, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore. Witnessing Friar Nelson at his ordination were also his siblings who represented their parents who were not able to come over to Kuching.

At the Mass, Custos Friar Derrick also announced that Deacon Nelson will be taking Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) for six months in Penang, to prepare him to serve the people of God better in the future. After Friar Nelson finishes his CPE, his ordination to the priesthood will be announced at a later date.

Later on, all the people celebrated with a fellowship at St Anthony’s Hall. The celebration of thanksgiving was filled with activities such as cake cutting, speeches, performances by the Sisters of St Francis of Sarawak (SSFS), dancing, and food.

Deacon Friar Nelson was overwhelmed by the whole celebration and thanked all parishioners, benefactors, family, and friends who had contributed to or supported him on this special journey.

We continue to pray for him as he embarks on his journey as a Deacon. May God bless us all.

Source: Todays Catholic

Blessed with brothers in formation

Blessed with brothers in formation

The Custody of St Anthony Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei is blessed to have a good number of young brothers in various stages of formation in 2024.

Two candidates – Jonathan Ng from Singapore and Maximillian Alexson from Kuching, Sarawak – joined the postulancy programme on 14 January this year. Postulancy is the initial stage of the formation journey in the long process of discernment to religious life. (Click here for photos of the event)

Brother Jorgerson Japar, who is from Sarawak, has completed his novitiate. He made his First Profession of Simple Vows on 6 January at St Anthony Friary, and begins his first year in philosophy at St Francis Xavier Major Seminary. (Click here for photos of the event)

Brother Julian Chua has completed his philosophy studies, and will begin his Franciscan year soon. The Franciscan year is when friars in formation are sent to a Franciscan entity beyond their Custody to experience community and mission work in a different culture and environment. Brother Julian will go to the Pakistan Province for his Franciscan year.

Having completed his Franciscan year in Indonesia last year, Brother Marvin Voo returns to the formation house at Greccio Friary in Singapore to continue his formation and studies.

Finally, Brother Nelson Evarinus has completed his priestly formation studies, and was ordained as a deacon on 14 January 2024 at St Ann’s Church, Kuching, Sarawak. He has been assigned to the Church of the Risen Christ, Penang for his diaconate ministry. Whilst in Penang, he will also do a course on Clinical Pastoral Experience at Mount Miriam Hospital. (Click here for photos of the event)

For the Franciscan friar, formation begins the moment God calls, and continues through the various stages of formation that deepen the call to community life, to ministry, and finally to embracing the evangelical vows for life. We thank God for these brothers in formation, for their openness to the Holy Spirit, who is the ultimate formator, guiding them in the footsteps of St Francis, to be at service to Christ and his Church. Please join us in praying that they may continue to grow in their love and commitment as friars minor.