Young priests reminded to show mercy at every opportunity

Young priests reminded to show mercy at every opportunity

The annual Young Priests Gathering (YPG 2023) brought together 53 priests from Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei from October 9 to 12. This gathering is organised to provide ongoing formation for priests ordained five years or less.

Bishop Cornelius Piong presided over the opening Mass. After the Eucharistic celebration, the prelate extended a warm welcome to the young priests and hoped their visit to Keningau would allow them to catch up, reminisce, and learn a thing or two from their pastoral challenges.

The YPG was also attended by Bishop Richard Ng of Miri, the prelate in charge of ongoing formation for priests under the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei.

On the second day, the priests visited the Keningau Diocese’s Holy Family Pilgrimage Centre, Nulu Sosopon.

They were briefed on the pilgrimage programmes currently conducted within the diocese. Patrick Marius, a team member responsible for these pilgrimages, presented information on the Marian pilgrimage. Following this, they participated in Mass presided over by Bishop Richard. During his homily, Bishop Richard reflected on the parable of the Good Samaritan and the story of Martha and Mary.

The prelate explained that the parable of the Good Samaritan serves as a guide for Catholics, emphasising the importance of showing mercy whenever the opportunity arises and actively seeking opportunities for charitable service

However, he cautioned against allowing genuine service to devolve into mere busyness, akin to Martha, who became preoccupied with many tasks. He encouraged the congregation not to let their service to others divert them from the core purpose of their service, which is ultimately centred on Jesus. This distinction was exemplified by Mary, who chose the better path, one that would remain with her and not be taken away.

Subsequently, the priests shared dinner with the local community at the Cathedral of St Francis Xavier in Keningau. In the evening, they were entertained by various cultural dances and musical performances.

The next day, the priests set off for Tambunan to engage in mission activities and were hosted by local adoptive families.

The YPG concluded with Mass on Oct 12 at the Church of the Holy Cross in Toboh, Tambunan.

There, it was announced that the Diocese of Sibu will host YPG 2024!

“Every year, this gathering is an event I eagerly anticipate. It offers a unique opportunity to openly share our struggles and faith among our peers, reminding me that I’m not alone on this challenging journey.

“Having served for 20 months as a deacon and priest in the Diocese of Penang, I, a Sabahan, found myself back in Sabah (hosted by Keningau Diocese) for the YPG this year. This experience reconnected me with the local people, its traditions and traditional local cuisine which I missed a lot! “

As a Franciscan friar, I was also fortunate to meet the Secular Franciscan family in Tambunan, where I encountered some familiar faces from my time in Sandakan, when I served in my parish as a youth, a long time ago.

“One of the highlights was living with my foster family in Toboh, Tambunan. Though our time together was brief, they welcomed me and another priest as if we had known each other for a lifetime.

“During my visit to Nuhu Sosopon, Toboh, and Tatal Retreat Centre, I was inspired by their longstanding practice of using reusable cutlery and plates. This sustainable effort has the potential to significantly reduce plastic pollution and single-use plastics, aligning with the Malaysian dioceses’ commitment to becoming an ecological dioceses in perpetuity.

“I hope that events like this will enable religious and diocesan priests, particularly those who received their priestly formation outside Malaysia, to deepen their connections and strengthen their bonds with those who studied locally.” — Friar Crispus Mosinoh, OFM, Diocese of Penang

“I am truly grateful for the opportunity to attend the YPG. This gathering is my second one and it has been an extraordinary experience that has immensely enriched me. Throughout the event, I was able to connect with fellow young priests from other dioceses of Malaysia and Singapore.

“One highlight was the session by Fr Michael Raymond OFM Cap who shared the reality and struggles of young priests. The messages behind it resonated deeply with me and inspired me to reflect on my own calling as a young priest. The session by Msgr Nicholas Stephen, who shared his stories of joy and perseverance in his priesthood helped me renew my sense of purpose and reminded me of the incredible privilege and responsibility that comes with serving in the ministry.

“Above all, the pilgrimage and fellowship among brother priests, the parishioners and my foster family reminded me that I am not alone on this journey and that I can lean on these newfound friends for support.

“As I reflect on this gathering, I express my gratitude to all those involved in organising and facilitating such a remarkable event. Thank you and God bless.” — Fr Terans Thadeus, Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu

Keeping the fire of St Francis alive

Keeping the fire of St Francis alive

Dearest Family and Friends,

I was in Indonesia in August, where my visit to Brother Marvin Voo, who is doing his Franciscan Year Exposure in Flores, turned out to be a simple yet deeply moving witness of the life that St Francis desired for the brothers. I was moved by the fact that the friars were willing to embrace the simple lifestyle of the people they were living with and, together with the people, bring about gospel values through the sacraments and spirituality, through labour and laughter.

I saw friars working in the fields planting, preparing fertilisers and then sharing a snack and coffee with the villagers at their break-time. I daresay St Francis would have enjoyed this scene of his friars sharing and building life with God’s people.

I think he would have liked too the efforts the Religious in Malaysia and Singapore are making to support and nourish the lives of our many Religious brothers and sisters. At our last meeting in early August, I initiated and organised an information session on positive mental and spiritual well-being for the Religious Superiors. As President of the Conference of Religious Major Superiors (CRMS), part of my role is to offer resources and opportunities for formation and conversation among the Religious Superiors. We are keenly concerned about Safeguarding and how the Religious can foster a culture of care for each other’s mental and spiritual well-being.

Care of each individual Religious requires the Congregational Superior or House Superior to be intentional and committed to enter into the story of the brothers/ sisters in his/her care, and have the compassion to help them heal and the discerned courage to allow the individual to blossom.

This form of personal accompaniment requires training and resources which I believe can be structured and programmed. This I can see myself doing, both for CRMS and for the Franciscan Friars here in Malaysia and Singapore. In fact, I am in the midst of developing a Formators’ Course for the Franciscan Study Centre of Asia with similar objectives in mind. When the course is launched, we will invite our Franciscan Family (brothers and sisters, contemplatives and actives) to send their potential formators for it.

Speaking of Franciscan Family, this year the Franciscan Family collectively marks the beginning of the 800th Anniversary of St Francis’ Easter (i.e. his death in 1226) and the culminating events of the last years of his life. It was in 1223 that St Francis wrote the Rule and commemorated Christmas in Greccio, and in Singapore, we will incorporate this year’s themes into our Transitus celebration on 3 October. Outside of Singapore, look out for similar Transitus celebrations at a Franciscan presence near you! That’s our Franciscan call – to be close to the people.

May we Franciscans continue to keep the fire of St Francis alive by quietly and humbly going about our ministries and bringing people together.

Five in one celebration in Limbahau parish

Five in one celebration in Limbahau parish

Eight hundred parishioners from Holy Rosary, Limbahau, along with the faithful from other parishes within the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, came together to commemorate the anniversaries of four priests.

From left Fr Elvost Lunchi MHM, Fr Terans Thaddeus, Friar Gerald Saimel, Fr Lasius Gantis and Fr Arul S Mariadass.

LIMBAHAU, Papar: Eight hundred parishioners from Holy Rosary, Limbahau, along with the faithful from other parishes within the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, came together to commemorate the anniversaries of four priests. Friar Gerald Terence Saimel OFM, Fr Terans Thadeus and Fr Lasius Gantis marked the first anniversary of their ordination. Friar Arul S Mariadass OFM, from Penang, who is now serving in Papar and Limbahau parishes, celebrated the 26th anniversary of his ordination.

The occasion was also a thanksgiving celebration for Fr Elvost Lunchi MHM who was ordained on July 22 at the same church.

The five-in-one celebration was presided over by Friar Gerald. Also present were Holy Rosary’s parish priest, Msgr Nicholas Stephen, Fr Slyvester Wong, Fr Joshua Liew and Fr Aloysius Fidelis.

Fr Elvost, in his homily, focused on God’s love. He said God’s love is perfect, He loves us unconditionally and His love is self-sacrificing. He gave His Son, His one and only Son so no one needs be destroyed; by believing in Him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. (John 3:16)

In his thanksgiving address, Fr Terans conveyed his appreciation to all who had taken the trouble to organise the event and thanked the Lord for the gift of priesthood bestowed upon the five of them.

“When I reflect on my first year as a priest, I did not realise one year had passed so quickly. It felt just like yesterday that I was ordained a priest. Your continuous prayers, support and friendship strengthens me in my service.”

At the end of the Mass, Msgr Nicholas conveyed his gratitude to all the parishioners who pray, support, encourage and honour their priests. He noted that the presence of the parishioners for that fellowship as a big and united family is a reflection of a Christian community without barriers of language, race or custom.

A fellowship was held at the Fr Amandus Augustine Hall where Fr Joshua’s birthday was also celebrated.

Source : Five in one celebration in Limbahau parish (

Five in one celebration in Limbahau parish

Empat paderi sambut ulang tahun pentahbisan serentak

LIMBAHAU: “Merayakan ulang tahun pentahbisan empat paderi dan upacara kesyukuran seorang paderi yang baharu ditahbis menandakan keindahan Ekaristi.”

“Melalui Ekaristi, kita diingatkan bahawa Tuhan itu sudah bangkit dan Dia bersama-sama dengan kita. Oleh itu, dengan tertahbisnya seorang paderi, ini bermakna kita akan sentiasa bersatu dengan Tuhan dan sesama melalui Ekaristi,” demikian kata Fr Terans Thadeus, salah seorang paderi yang merayakan ulang tahun kepaderian kali pertama, pada Julai 31, di Gereja Holy Rosary, Limbahau, Papar.

Fr Terans yang ditahbis pada Julai 16, 2022 merayakan ulang tahun imamat pertama bersama tiga lagi rakan paderinya iaitu Fr Lasius Gantis (Ogos 4, 2022) dan Friar Gerard Terence Saimel OFM (Julai 2, 2022) yang masing-masing menyambut ulang tahun pentahbisan pertama serta ulang tahun kepaderian Friar Arul S Mariadass OFM yang ke-26 tahun. Friar Arul ditahbis pada Julai 18, 1997.

Turut diraikan pada hari itu ialah kesyukuran sempena pentahbisan Fr Elvost Lunchi MHM yang ditahbis pada Julai 22, 2023 di Gereja yang sama.

Perayaan Ekaristi lima dalam satu ini dipimpin oleh Fr Gerard OFM yang turut dihadiri oleh Msgr Nicholas Stephen, Fr Slyvester Wong, Fr Joshua Liew dan Fr Aloysius Fidelis.

Lima paderi (dari kiri Fr Elvost, Fr Terans, Friar Gerard, Fr Lasius dan Friar Arul) yang diraikan pada Julai 31, 2023 sedang merayakan Ekaristi bersama.

Homili disampaikan oleh Fr Elvost MHM yang “bagaimana mengasihi? Apakah itu kasih. Saya menyayangi ibu bapa dan orang-orang sekeliling tetapi tetap ada pertelingkahan dan perselisihan.

Oleh itu, Fr Elvost menumpukan kasih Tuhan yang sangat unggul. Kasih manusia terhadap Tuhan belum sempurna. Kerana kita semua adalah penziarah yang sedang menuju jalan kekudusan.

“Mari kita fokus kepada kasih Tuhan, kita tidak dapat berpisah dengan Seorang yang sangat mencintai kita, yang turun ke dunia untuk menjadi manusia dalam segala aspek seperti kita kecuali dosa, mengalami segala penderitaan dan sengsara sehinggalah wafat di kayu Salib. Ini adalah kasih Tuhan sehingga sanggup memberikan nyawa.”

“Kasih-Nya tidak berakhir di kayu Salib, tetapi bangkit dan hidup bersama kita hingga akhir hayat.” Selepas Misa Kudus, para paderi dan umat beredar ke Dewan Fr Augustine Amandus untuk acara makan bersama dan meraikan ulang tahun kelahiran Fr Joshua Liew.

Sumber: Empat paderi sambut ulang tahun pentahbisan serentak (

Pelayanan pastoral untuk orang-orang pekak tidak boleh diabaikan

Pelayanan pastoral untuk orang-orang pekak tidak boleh diabaikan

GENTING HIGHLANDS: Seorang paderi Ordo Suci Sto Fransiskus dari Singapura telah datang ke Malaysia untuk memimpin retret bagi para Pelayanan Katolik untuk Orang Pekak (CMfD).

Fr Rowland Yeo Teck Heng, merupakan paderi Katolik pertama di Asia Tenggara yang melayani Pelayanan Katolik untuk orang-orang pekak di seluruh benua.

Seorang paderi Ordo Suci Sto Fransiskus dari Singapura telah datang ke Malaysia untuk memimpin retret bagi para Pelayanan Katolik untuk Orang Pekak (CMfD).

Beliau berbicara tentang ajaran-ajaran teologi yang dibahagikan dalam beberapa sesi tentang Berkat dan Sakramen-sakramen, Wabak, Perjamuan Malam Terakhir, Musa dan Yesus, Roti Kehidupan dan sebagainya.

Paderi itu berpesan kepada ahli-ahli CMfD agar saling mendoakan antara satu dengan yang lain, menyokong ahli-ahli sepelayanan demi kebaikan dan kesejahteraan bersama lebih-lebih lagi bagi golongan Katolik yang bermasalah pendengaran.

Melalui topik-topik yang di-sampaikan, para peserta memperdalamkan pengetahuan mereka bahawa iman Katolik telah memainkan peranan penting dalam sejarah manusia khususnya dalam bidang pendidikan, kesihatan dan sosial.

Fr Rowland juga menyatakan harapannya agar semakin ramai paderi yang menyedari keperluan rohani orang-orang pekak.

Katanya, pada masa ini, amat diperlukan para paderi yang tahu berbahasa isyarat agar golongan kurang pendengaran boleh mengikuti Misa Kudus dan melakukan Sakramen Pengakuan.

Retret pada hujung minggu itu telah membawa kebangkitan dan kesegaran iman di kalangan CMfD serta memperbaharui keinginan untuk meneruskan pelayanan untuk golongan pekak.

Sumber: Pelayanan pastoral untuk orang-orang pekak tidak boleh diabaikan (