“Today the weak link is the pedagogy and not the theology”. This quote from “The Sentiments of the Son: A formation journey in consecrated life” by Amadeo Cencini is so true today. As Cencini says, we struggle with the transmission and reception (pedagogy) of the wisdom of the Church (theology).
What is the point of having a beautiful collection of teachings when it is not embodied and passed on intellectually and affectively? This is the purpose of the Asian Franciscan Formators Training (AFFT) programme which launched on 11 March 2024, says Friar Derrick Yap, the programme’s designer and coordinator.
He shared that the acronym AFFT is intended to sound like affect (Latin: affectus), to reflect the emphasis on affectivity, the importance of the heart and our emotions in the formative process.
The programme is modelled on the Diploma in Formation for Consecrated Life at the Franciscan University of Antonianum in Rome, but it includes elements of interculturality within the Asian context, appreciation of generational awareness (Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, etc), the ubiquity of technology in our modern world, safeguarding principles and policies. There are 16 modules.
Although the AFFT is primarily conducted online, there are two residency programmes – in Manila in June and in Singapore in November – to immerse in modules that require in-person instruction, such as Emphatic Listening, Group Dynamics and Psychology of Institutions, and Franciscan Formative Approach.
For the first run, eight OFM friars are enrolled – two each from the Philippines and Malaysia, and one each from Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. The hope is that potential formators from the entire Franciscan Family will participate in future runs. Minister General Friar Massimo Fusarelli and Asian Definitor Friar John Wong popped into the first Zoom tutorial to meet and encourage the participants.
Already the participants are seeing benefits from the programme.
“The AFFT has been enlightening. I already feel equipped with insights from our speakers that will not only enhance my role as a formator but also deepen my understanding of Franciscan values,” said Friar Francis Moneda from Cebu Province.
For Friar Aiden Peter Jr, the course has been a transformative journey. “One lesson resonates deeply: the significance of adult pedagogy in Franciscan formation elucidated by Friar Augustinus Nggame from Indonesia. His teachings illuminated the formator’s role not merely as an educator, but as a facilitator of life, engaging in the divine act of creation,” he said.
Friar Bernat Anthony from Sri Lanka is grateful for the opportunity to participate. “It (has) helped me to understand the most challenging and delicate part of the ministry of formator is to be a patient and discerning guide to those entrusted to my care,” he said.
On 6 April 2024, members of Fraternitas, the Franciscan youth and young adult ministry, had the privilege of having a conversation with Friar Massimo Fusarelli, Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor. Also present were friars from the General Definitory, the Order’s governing body.
The dialogue was a bridge between generations. As Friar Massimo said, he aspires to visit the different provinces and custodies, and be touched by the diverse realities of the Order across the globe. The dialogue in Singapore was one of his engagements with the next generation of believers.
In the spirit of synodality, the dialogue provided a platform for the youth to express their hopes, dreams and concerns regarding the Church and its role in their lives. Each question revealed their longing for understanding and spiritual growth. The topics ranged from discernment of God’s will to overseas mission and outreach to finding meaning in suffering with joy. There was a palpable sense of trust and openness as the young people felt embraced by a leadership willing to listen and learn.
Reflecting on the dialogue, Therese Soh, 25, shared, “I was struck by how personable and down to earth the Minister General was.
He answered all our questions in a good-humoured way and was easy-going, attentive, and friendly. I was heartened to hear the Minister General share about how he, as a young person, was inspired to embrace Franciscan spirituality and join the Order. To me, his sharing highlights the importance of formation of the youth, so that they may be nurtured into men and women after God’s heart.”
The dialogue between the youth of Fraternitas and Friar Massimo Fusarelli was a testament to the transformative power of authentic encounter and genuine dialogue within the Church. It was a reminder that by listening and learning from one another, we create space for the Holy Spirit to move in our midst and guide us ever closer to the realisation of God’s kingdom on earth.
Through the dialogue, a vision for the Church as a place where young people can first encounter Christ, have their faith stirred, and build Christ-centred friendships emerged.
“Renewing Our Common Vision as Lay Friars in a Fractured World: Franciscan Contemplatives Formed for Pastoral Ministry and Evangelisation” is the discerned theme and orientation for the 15 lay brothers from the South Asia, Australia and Oceania Conference (SAAOC) gathered at the La Salle House in Singapore. The entities represented: Australia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia-Singapore, Sri Lanka, Timor Leste and West Papua.
Br Massimo Fusarelli, Minister General, wrote a very encouraging letter to all gathered, inviting them to deepen their identity as brothers and minors and to also be very daring to welcome back the completeness of our vocation.
The 3 full days of presentation and fraternal sharings were focused on contemplation on the life of Lay Brothers; thoughts and ideas about Formation and finally on pastoral ministry and evangelisation matters. Throughout the week, Br David Leary facilitated the process of mutual deep listening, honest articulation of experiences and insights, and made sure that every voice in the room is heard.
From the richness of the discussions emerged several recommendations for the International Gathering to consider and these revolve around the structure and process of initial and ongoing formation that is essentially Franciscan but also human in its psychological and professional aspects. The recommendations also expressed the pressing need for intentional discernment to the lay brothers’ vocation and the appropriate accompaniment by formators and entity leaders.
To balance the serious work, event organiser Br Vernon Chua ensured that there were also recreational activities like visiting the various communities in Singapore and also touring some of the local attractions like Gardens by the Bay, not forgetting to enjoy a sumptuous seafood dinner by the beach, complete with tasting the famous Singapore Chilli Crab!
All in all, the participants sincerely felt that they had a week of directed fruitful discussion and life-giving fraternal experience.
From April 7 to 13, the General Definitorium and the General Offices of Formation and Studies, Missions and Evangelization, and Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation met with the brothers of the entities of the Franciscan Conference of Asia and Oceania (FCAO). The event was hosted by the Province of San Pedro Bautista at Manila (Philippines).
After the first day, the meeting proceeded, alternating plenary moments, thematic meetings, formal and cultural visits to Manila and its surroundings.
In his message entitled, “Living and Bearing Witness to the Gospel in Pluralism”, addressed to the representatives of the Conference, the Minister General, Br. Massimo Fusarelli, underlined how Christians are a minority in those places, and the Franciscans even more so. “We have the opportunity of being pilgrims and foreigners in this world, serving the Lord in poverty and humility (RB 6, 2). Following the Lord Jesus in his abasement as brothers and minors today, I believe, can mean becoming capable of remaining open, listening and communicating with many, without pretensions,” the Minister said, recalling also how the life of the Friars Minor in Asia and Oceania is characterized by a vast range of realities. Many brothers, in fact, are engaged in ordinary pastoral work, as well as in works of charity, education and social assistance, trying to respond to the needs of the population. And all this invites the Order to respond as brothers and minors in a synodal manner, just as Pope Francis invites us to do in his encyclical Fratelli tutti.
Br. Nikola Kozina e Br. Baptist D’Souza, respectively Director and Vice Director of the Development Office, presented the objectives and the services which the office offers, providing practical advice on project proposals. The presentation of Br. Albert Schmucki, Director of the Office for the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Adults, aroused much interest among the assembled brothers, given the priority that the Order is giving to this topic.
The representative of the General Secretariats of Formation and Studies and of Mission and Evangelization met with their counterparts, sharing lights and shadows, challenges and strengths, various proposals to discuss, enrich and incorporate into the listing of resolutions which the FCAO will have to take into consideration. The same occurred for the JPIC offices.
The General Definitors had discussions with the Asiatic entities, addressing their concerns and recognizing the salient points raised by their ministers. In the meeting they also saw important documents such as resolutions, recommendations, and declarations. These documents were based on in-depth discussions during the secretaries’ and facilitators’ breakout sessions.
The brothers of the General Curia had the opportunity to visit some places of the cultural heritage of the Philippines, such as the historic Intramuros enclave of Manila, the cathedral of the city, the sanctuary of the parish of S. Antonio in Forbes Park, the recently built parish of Santa Chiara d’Assisi in Navotas-Malabon, the sanctuary of Nostra Signora degli Abbandonati. The group also visited a so-called “insertion community”, a new concept of formation in which the brothers live and work with the poor while pursuing their theological studies.
On 11 Mar 2024, AFFT programme was launched with the release of the introductory video of the first front loading module. This formators course was proposed and endorsed by the Ministers of FCAO (Franciscan Conference of Asia-Oceania) in May 2023. Br Derrick Yap, Custos of Singapore-Malaysia, was tasked to craft the programme together with a team comprising Secretaries of Formation of EAC (Br Joel Sulse) and SAAOC (Br Charles Bernard) and Br Azeem Lawrence, Custos of Pakistan. Co-ordinating this programme with Br Derrick is Dr Josephine Chin, together with Patrick Tan providing the digital support for the online platform @franciscanstudies.asia.
This programme is primarily conducted online with 2 in-person residency programmes in June and November, book-ending the programme with adequate time for group interaction and practicum. There are 16 modules in total, modelled heavily on Master in Formation programme at the Antonianum.
AFFT is the perfect acronym for the programme as it sounds like affect (Latin: affectus), indicating its strong affective emphasis and not merely intellectually downloading information. The main pedagogic vehicles are video lessons, facilitated forum discussions in small circle groups, personal accompaniment and zoom tutorials.
For this pilot cohort, there are 8 OFMs participants hailing from Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. In future, the hope is to welcome potential formators from the entire Franciscan Family to participate in this programme. Minister General Br Massimo Fusarelli, and Asian Definitor Br John Wong both popped into the first Zoom Tutorial to meet and encourage the participants.
We honour our mothers bringing us to birth. We honour our fathers too, but it is our mothers who carried us as part of themselves, nourishing us with nutrients while taking away toxic waste from our systems. Our mothers fed and freed us when we were still in their womb.
That is how St Francis saw his mother, who fed his dream of becoming the person God created him to be, and freed him from his father’s ambition for him. When Francis was seen straying from this ambition, his father would imprison him in the house cell, and his mother would free him when his father was away.
In the same way, Francis saw himself accompanying his friars, sicut mater (‘like a mother’ in Latin). It may sound strange for a man to see himself as a mother, but it is precisely this uniquely maternal imagery that drives the fraternal relations in our Franciscan communities. We are a community of men who free one another from the chains that bind us, who help one another become the persons God created us to be.
On Mt Alvernia, where Francis received the Stigmata 800 years ago, he had asked for two graces: to experience the pain and suffering on the cross, and simultaneously to experience the joy and love that brought Jesus up on the cross.
Is this not like childbirth? The suffering of birth pangs and the joyful love for the newborn are like two sides of the same coin. One comes with the other, much like the mystery of our life.
So, at this year’s Mother’s Day Concert, we will celebrate the trials and triumphs of motherhood, where a mother brings to birth her children, and the bringing to birth of her own identity as mother and the gifts God has given her for this role.
As usual, the Mother’s Day Concert will be held at the Church of St Mary of the Angels, Singapore. We have prepared a simple and hopefully heart-warming evening of songs and stories, so join us on Saturday, 4 May 2024 at 8pm. Limited edition merchandise and yummy treats made by the friars will also be available. Your kind donation will go towards the Formation and Care for Friars Fund.