Reflecting with St Francis before the Christmas Crib

Reflecting with St Francis before the Christmas Crib

St Francis and Christmas Crib

The story of St Francis and the Christmas Crib at Greccio shows what was really important to Francis – the poverty of Jesus and his mother, and the discomfort felt by the little baby. For Francis, the external poverty of Christ’s birth at Bethlehem was representative of the radical poverty of the Incarnation. Celano also placed an emphasis on the virtues of simplicity, poverty, and humility, leading us to understand that the poverty of Francis is in imitation of the poverty of Jesus.

During the seasons of Advent and Christmas, we invite you to spend some time in quiet prayer before the Christmas Crib, and offer some questions for your reflection.

1. What is the place of poverty – simplicity – humility in my life?

2. Celano wrote of how Francis wished “to enact the memory of that babe who was born in Bethlehem”. Where do we enact “memory” in our lives? Are we able to re-read the events of our lives and perceive the Lord’s presence in them?

3. What truly is the place of the Eucharist in my life, in the course of my day?

4. What is the place of the senses in my relationship with God, and in how my faith is expressed?

5. How open am I to the new and to what challenges me? How can I grasp the beauty of poverty?

Francis spoke of making room for creativity, which opens us up to the new. We are invited to give space to feelings, to joy, to songs, to festive celebration. We are also called to enjoy the beauty of poverty, which in the story of Greccio is characterised by a dignity and beauty that become a source of joy.


Thoughts from the Novitiate

Thoughts from the Novitiate

Friars Julian Chua, Sylvester Singh and Timothy Fong entered into the Novitiate at Greccio Friary, Singapore, in January. Novitiate is a period of intense formation for novices to know and experience the form of life of St Francis, to form their minds and hearts more deeply in his spirit, and to test their resolution and suitability for the Franciscan way of life.

The novices pray the Liturgy of the Hours and have an hour of meditation and a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament every day. They attend classes on everything Franciscan – from Constitutions and Statutes to the Order’s colourful history and the writings of Saints Francis and Clare. When they are not praying or studying, they can be found in the garden tending to the flowers and plants or caring for our cats and chickens.

As they near the end of their Novitiate, they each share one thing they have learnt from their first year of life in the Franciscan Order.

Please keep Friars Julian, Sylvester and Timothy in your prayers as they journey towards Temporary Profession in 2022.

Catholic2OOSG Theme Song – Ignite and Shine

Catholic2OOSG Theme Song – Ignite and Shine

Benjamin Mao (composer) and Friar Derrick Yap, OFM (lead vocalist) share about the Catholic200SG theme song, including the inspiration behind it, and what the process was like for them putting it all together. Listen to this episode from The Faith Perspective – CatholicSG Radio.